Aaron Imagine

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Today was the first day of school as a junior in high school. A new year. A new school. You drove into a parking space, locked the car, and walked through the front doors.
You had moved to LA from Florida because your dad had to move for work. You were use to moving around and having to make new friends. Friends from your past still texted or called you, but it wasn't the same not being with them.
Today was a new day. Time to make new friends, you thought, heading to your locker.
After finishing with your locker, you headed to your first bell, English.

The bell rang at the end of English. The whole class tried to get through the small door at the same time. You were towards the back of the crowd, trying to stuff your folders into your bag.
While you were looking down, someone ran into you. Your stuff scattered. You looked up to yell at the person who ran into you. Instead of yelling, your scowl turned into a smile. The boy who ran into had perfect green eyes and brown hair. He smiled and apologized as he helped you pick up your stuff. You thanked him and smiled, quickly trying to get to your next class.

After a few weeks of this new school, you had made many friends, both guys and girls. You loved hanging out with them, but you never forgot the boy who helped you out. With the help of your two closest friends you found out he was in the same grade as you and his name was Aaron Carpenter. You always noticed him in the halls in between classes, but never talked to him. Once in a while you thought he smiled at you, but you thought it was just your mind playing tricks.

• • • • • •

Last day of senior year. When all of your friends would part ways for the college experience. You sat nervously in your seat, waiting for your name to be called. Your mind wandered until one name was called.
Aaron Carpenter.
He walked up to the podium and received his HS degree. He exited the stage and sat back down.
I wish I knew you, you thought desperately. But now it's the end of senior year.

• • • • • •

It's been five years since you graduated from high school. You've been to college and got a good job. You keep yourself busy with work and reuniting with your friends. Even after five years you had never dated anyone. Sure you had a date or two once in a while, but no one ever seemed to pop out at you. Aaron. Aaron was the one you could never keep off your mind. You wanted him but didn't know where he was or if he was dating anyone or anything. You were totally in the dark.
Your friend told you of a class reunion coming up this summer. She was excited to go and you thought maybe he would be there.
Soon after, you went dress shopping with your best friends. They found dresses pretty quickly, but you wanted it to be perfect. Not to revealing, but just a touch of sexy. Finally, you found a turquoise dress that was ankle length.

Today was the day of the reunion. You had butterflies in your stomach. You tried not to look nervous, but you were afraid you were failing.
When you walked into the room, you saw lots of your old friends. Many of them came rushing up to you and asking how you were. You answered their questions quickly, and made an excuse to get away. You walked up to the snack table and started to pour punch in a cup when someone came up next to you. Without looking up you could feel the warmth of the face next to you. Slowly, you looked up into the face of Aaron Carpenter.
"Hi-i," you stammered. He smiled which made you stomach have even more butterflies and made your head spin.
"Hi y/n," he said sweetly. "How have you been?"
"I've been good. I got out of college recently." How did he still remember my name?!, You thought.
"That's great!"
"How about you Aaron?" You said, scared to speak your next thoughts.
"I'm good, still going to college for my major."
"That's good..."
There was a long pause in the conversation, while you both tried to look busy.
"So are you seeing anyone special?" Aaron said casually.
"No I haven't really... found anyone. You?"
"Me neither," Aaron said looking at the ground.
"Aaron." You both spoke at the same time. "You go first." You continued.
"Um.. ok. Y/n, you know when I ran into you in the hall?"
You nodded.
"Well ever since I haven't been able to stop thinking of you, and I know we are grow ups now and have things to do, but I have never wanted anyone so badly."
"Aaron," you said shocked. "I haven't been able to get you off my mind either!"
"Really y/n?"
"Yeah. I never knew you but you seem so nice and caring. And I haven't been able to get over you."
You thought you sounded like a teenager again, but it was true. You had tried to get over him, but he never left.
"Then would you like to go on a date sometime?" Aaron asked sheepishly.
"I would be honored," you said laughing softly.

Even after years of thinking of him Aaron and never thinking you'd see him again, he was yours now. All your life you had been regretting those missed opportunities. But now you had him back. And he was back to stay.

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