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• = Thoughts
" = Out loud talking
MDL = Monkey D Luffy
TDWL = Trafalgar D Water Law

All characters are owned by Echiira Oda, from one piece. I do not own any of these characters‼️

Btw if you find any of this disrespectful, I completely understand and will take it down or change it entirely. I respect all religions, beliefs and opinions expressed. Unless invailed.

• No way I let Peng and Shachi talk me into this. •

"Heyyy~ Wow your handsome~"

A clearly drunk woman had stumbled across Law, his tall figure almost towering over the women.

"With your height, you must be huge~ Hehe"

The woman spoke without a thought, Law caught her eyes, seeing nothing behind them as he walked away.

Dim bar lights filled the room, cold air grazed his strong features on his face. Law walked up to the chairs, sat down and ordered a few drinks. The tiredness swelled his mind, after not taking a day off for months.

"Hey, sorry to disturb you but could you hold on to this fella for a minute? He's being a little pest."

A short woman with long orange hair, soft large brown eyes, with a really slim figure asked him kindly. Right next to her, a short, black haired, big eyed, younger looking man. His eyes had this sparkle to them, a large smile planted on his face, he kept looking around like a meerkat, as if he was looking for someone or something.

"You'd trust me, a random stranger to take care of this... This kid for you? I'm not a babysitter."

Law said, a cold grim frown on his face. Proving that he really didn't want to take care of this somewhat attractive man.

"Listen, I know this 'kid' is able to kick your ass if you try to do something to him. I just know if I leave him alone for more than 10 seconds he's going to do something stupid. I just need you to look after him for maybe 10 minutes or so. I'll pay you."

The orange haired woman asked once more. Not worried that Law might kidnap the kid.

"I don't even know your names."

Law kept resisting

"Names Nami, this little shit is Luffy. Luffy, say hi." - Nami

"Oh, hey old man."

Luffy lifted his hand, a quick gesture. Then straight back to looking around.

Law twitched in his seat,

• No way this kid just called me an old man. •

"Law. If you pay me $20 I'll watch the kid for a few minutes. But you better come back to get him."

Law proposed, taking up Nami's offer.

"Are you calling me a kid!? Listen old man! I am not a kid! I'm 20 thanks."

Luffy clearly got very upset that Law called him a kid. Law once again twitched.

"Yeah well I'm not an old man!" Law yelled back.

While that was happening Nami walked away, not listening to what was happening. With no intention of paying him.

Law and Luffy sat in silence for a little bit, before Luffy spoke up a little.

"What's your name and why do you look like that? Y'know, if your not an old man. "
Luffy crossed his arms while talking, very serious.

"Excuse me? You have no manners? If you so desperately need an answer, I'm only 27, I'm a doctor so I work long hours. That's why I look the way I do. And just call me Law."

Lawlu ~ One Night Stand •|•Where stories live. Discover now