Stalker (Jack)

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i was taking my usual route to school this morning, grabbing a coffee on the way. i always wave to the construction workers and the little old lady walking her two corgis. "Hi Mrs.Whitman!" i called out. "Hello, beautiful. Heading to school?" she greeted. "Yep! Hi Marlo. Hi Maggie." i cooed at the two corgis. "They always look forward to seeing you every morning, dear. Ooh, don't be late!" she said checking her watch. "Oh! Shoot. I better go. It's always lovely seeing you Mrs.Whitman. Have a great day." i smiled, running off to the coffee shop. i entered the building walking quickly to the cashier. "Hey, y/n! Your usual?" the barista, Katie, asked. "Yes please." i smiled.

i sat down waiting for my coffee to be ready. looking out the window at the beautiful town of Abingdon, Virginia. population of 8,321, everyone knows each other here. among the gorgeous town, i felt a pair of eyes burning into the back of my head. i slowly turned around and caught a boy about my age with curly hair, who i've never seen before, staring at me. and he didn't look away when we locked eyes, which weirded me out. i slowly turned around and shook my chills away. my name was called out and i walked up to grab my coffee. as i was about to leave when the boy from earlier stopped me. "Hey. Y/n right?" he asked. i turned around and gave him a confused look. "Yeah." i said. he fumbled with his hands, "Sorry for staring at you earlier, i thought you were someone i knew." i looked around the coffee shop trying to avoid eye contact with this stranger. "Heh. It's alright. Uh, i've never seen you around here before. Did you just move here or something?" i asked. his body language showed he was uncomfortable. "Yeah, yeah i did." he shoved his hands into his pockets and puffed his cheeks. "Well, i have to get to school. it was cool meeting you though. see you around." i awkwardly smiled and quickly walked away.

on my way to school i couldn't stop thinking about that stranger and who he was. my gut was telling me that he wasn't telling the truth. i shook my head and continued walking, picking my pace a bit by how nervous i was. chills were sent down my body when i felt like someone was staring at me. i quickly turned around and saw him in the distance. what the fuck is he doing? is he following me? now i'm really starting to pick up my pace. i continue to walk faster and faster, feeling a sensation in my legs. i finally reach the school doors and dont hesitate to run into the bathroom. i let out a big huff of air and try to catch my breath. the bathroom door opens and i jump looking back. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." it wasn't him but a girl from my science class, Kennedy. she walked up to the mirror to fix her hair and makeup. "No, it's okay. Just a bit on edge. Hey, quick question." i turned to her. she looks at me through the mirror and hums. "Have you by chance seen a boy walk into the school? He looks about 6 feet, has brown curly hair, brown eyes, and is wearing a blue tank top with black basketball shorts" i described him in as much detail as i could. "Uh, no. I don't pay attention to who walks into this school. Why? You like him or something?" she asked turning to me. "No. I don't even know him, but i think he's been following me or something." i explained. her eyes squinted, "Don't worry girl i got you. I'll follow you to class and keep a close eye out." "Really? Thanks so much." she nodded her head, "No worries" we walked out of the bathroom and quickly walked to class. she stayed close to me keeping an eye out for him. "Wait. Oh my god. Is that him?" she gasped. i whipped around and my eyes landed on him. "Yes." i whispered. i backed up into the classroom, making sure he doesn't see me.

i sat down at my desk and stared at the door waiting for the bell to ring. my leg kept bouncing up and down  anxiously and every person that walked by, i felt a shock of anxiety in my chest that kept worsening. "Don't worry, i don't think he's going to walk in here. If he does, that just means he goes to this school and didn't mean to follow you." Kennedy whispered. i nodded my head trying to make myself feel less anxious. "Yeah. Yeah. You're probably right. That would make sense." i said calming down. i let out a deep breath and just stared at my desk. to kill time, i started to take out my things for class, adjusting things to make it fit perfectly on my desk. my eyes mindlessly wandered to the door and the shock of anxiety went through my chest again. the boy who had curly hair, brown eyes, a blue tank top, and black basketball shorts on was standing in the door way looking right at me. he slowly walked into the room and took a seat in the desk a couple rows behind me. chills were sent down my entire body and i physically shook. the bell finally rung and my teacher took attendance. he called my name but i was too scared to answer. "Y/n? You're here, correct?" my teacher looked into my direction and i hesitated to answer. "Uh, yeah. Here." i said quietly. "Great. Jack Champion?" the teacher announced. "Here." i looked behind me at the boy and again he was just staring at me. what is his fucking problem? i quickly turned back around and did my class work and avoided the feeling of him staring at me.

when class was over, i tried to pack my things as quickly as i could so i can go to my next class without him seeing me. i grabbed my backpack and darted out of the door speed walking to my next class shoving people out of my way. when i arrived at my next class i swiftly went to the teacher, who so happens to be my mother. "Please tell me that Jack Champion isn't in this class." she turned to me with a confused look. "I don't think so. Why? What's wrong, sweetheart?" i gave her a brief explanation and she told me she would look at her roaster. "I don't see a Jack Champion, honey. Maybe he thinks you're pretty. I wouldn't worry too much about it, but if it becomes a bigger situation then we will get someone involved." she said. i sighed in relief, "Okay. Good." i walked to my desk and dropped my book bag on the floor, leaning on the desk. i scrolled through my phone a bit until more students walked into the classroom. the bell ringing alerted me and i took an actual seat in the chair. "Hi, i guess i was transferred into this class. I'm Jack Champion."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2023 ⏰

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