Victoria G Interviews Daniel Espinoza

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Victoria G: What inspired you to become a music producer?

Daniel Espinoza: So, I feel it has to do with my curiosity about how stuff works, producing is an engineering skill as much as a creative one and that's exactly the kind of stuff that I love to learn about, that on the side of making my own music, but when you also have the opportunity to work with talented musicians and help them develop their craft is much more satisfying

VG: What is your favorite thing about producing music?

DE: I love the amount of passion that goes into it, and being able to capture that in a record, that's my favorite thing.

VG: Who are your musical inspirations?

DE: Those are constantly evolving, I love all kinds of music, and it depends a lot on what type of sound I'm going after, one that I always come back to is Radiohead, but again, there's a place and time for that, so sometimes it could be something totally different like Skrillex, sometimes it's something with mas sabor like cultura profética, or Willie Colón, Sometimes I just hear stuff I normally don't to learn more about the genre and its elements.

VG: What messages are important for you to express through your music?

DE: I'm still trying to figure that out, and it's very hard to me because I'm always doubting myself, feel like no one out there is going to identify with what I want to say, I guess it's always part of music. One thing I can say that I like to portray in music is that there is so much more to life than what meets the eye at first.

VG: What instruments do you play and how long have you been playing them?

DE: I've been playing guitar for a good 14 years, bass for about 3, I recently picked up a drum kit and been learning for a couple months, I took piano lessons for a bit but I don't practice it enough, and I've took singing lessons for about a year and a bit and I think that helped a lot tbh haha.

VG: How would you describe yourself in three words?

DE: Can't stand still.

VG: Do you have any hidden talents?

DE: I have ADHD, and sort of use it to my advantage.

VG: Where do you see yourself in ten years?

DE: Probably in a nicer studio.

VG: What are your social media handles?

DE: @dnylpz94_ for music @dnylpz_ for photography

VG: What advice do you have for an aspiring music producer?

DE: Focus! I think that's what I've struggled the most so that would be my advice.

VG: What's next for you?

DE: Start another band now that I moved to NY.

VG: RAPID FIRE QUESTIONS What's your favorite genre of music?

DE: Psychedelic rock and anything experimental.

VG: What is your favorite pastime?

DE: Learning about stuff, rn I'm learning about mycology.

VG: Who's your favorite superhero?

DE: Spider-Man

VG: What's your favorite candy?

DE: Pan dulce, can't beat that.

VG: What's your favorite movie?

DE: Interstellar

VG: What is your biggest fear?

DE: Rabbies, it literally eats your brain.

VG: Do you have any pets?

DE: Four dogs.  

Victoria G Interviews Daniel EspinozaWhere stories live. Discover now