Chapter 1: The Separation

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                           CHAPTER 1

                        THE SEPARATION

Somewhere in the space, Baisakh-2, 2086 (April 15, 2029)

"Even we, the supreme beings can't learn all the secrets that blue marble has hidden inside itself for giga-annum. First let's be familiar with what's the thing that has helped those puny creatures reside there for ages, venturing outside the blue marble comes after that. In this cosmos, its existence is equivalent to a grain of sand in a desert but still, I want to experience its greatness first-hand."

It was all started by him but ironically, someone else had to end it.

Falgun-8, 2099 (February-20, 2043)

It was a silent night, the birds weren't chirping, the stars weren't shining and there was no sign of a cool breeze, far away from the crowdy streets of Lestor, two individuals were enjoying this silence while looking at the sky while their heads were lying sideways of each other.

"Next month is graduation Blake.", a short girl with shiny orange-colored hair and a mole at the top right side of her lips said in a low voice.

"Are you sad?", a tall boy with pitch-black hair and dark skin tone teased her.

"How long do you think it has been? Obviously, I am sad.", the girl replied with a grumpy look.

"Not gonna lie, I don't remember.", the boy chuckled.

"You are joking, right? How can you forget for how long have we been together?", the girl asked furiously.

"4 years?", Blake laughed.

"5 years Blake, 5 years. You know what? This is what I don't like about you. You always seem like you don't care about our relationship at all.", The girl raised her voice.

After a moment of silence, the girl spoke, "I am not going to talk to you anymore."

"Listen Mira!", Blake grabbed her chin and swiftly turned her face towards him.

"I have always wanted to tell you this.", Blake breathed.

Mira became as red as a peach and replied in the same grumpy voice, "What is it?"

"You look exactly like Yoda when you are angry.", Blake stared at her eyes while pulling her close.


Blake busted out laughing.

"I swear I will kill you today.", right after shouting these words, Mira threw an uppercut at Blake's chin and sent him flying.

"That's what I expect from my future wife, cute yet strong.", Blake murmured while coughing blood.

"Hmph, kneel before pirate empress, Mira Albert.", Mira commanded Blake with her i-am-the-queen-and-you-are-my-servant pose.

"Yes, the peasant, Blake Robbins is at your command, empress.", Blake continued with the play with his genuflection pose.

*Sob sob sob, "Empress is sad right now, make her hap-"

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