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Subaru, with unexpected determination, knelt before Beatrice. "It's over," he said, his voice firm and resolute. "You don't have to abide by the contract with your mother anymore," he added, his face serious, conveying the decisiveness within him.

Tears welled up in Beatrice's eyes. "So, will you truly put an end to this? I think..." she asked, hoping for Subaru's positive response.

Subaru, steadfastly, stated, "Yes, I will. I will put an end to it." He slowly raised his hand, and Beatrice closed her eyes, as if on the verge of attaining the peace she had long desired. This signaled freedom for her and the awaited decision. Beatrice felt the increasing tranquility, perhaps the relief from a burden she had carried for a long time.

However, the blow never came. Instead, Subaru embraced Beatrice. Kneeling momentarily, he approached her. "Yes, I will put an end to it. I will end your loneliness, your pain, and the colorless world you live in," he said. His voice, like an angelic melody, was filled with serenity. Each word was an expression of a grace he filled with calmness and love, akin to a divine promise.

Beatrice, in tears, attempted to speak, "But-" but Subaru gently silenced her. "I want you to see colors. Colorlessness is a dreadful thing, but it's treatable. Just like I was treated, I will heal you," he declared. Subaru's words carried a profound tranquility and peace.

Beatrice, attempting to wipe away her tears, felt the angelic calmness in Subaru's arms. This moment brought not only physical healing but also a sense of spiritual recovery.

"We'll be together. Be by my side. You'll never be alone again, I promise," Subaru affirmed.

In the garden, Ram and Elara stood quietly. Elara sat comfortably on the ground, and Ram stood facing her.

Ram, in a deep silence, gently placed her hands on Elara's forehead. Continuing slowly, she asked, "Have you used your horns before?" Elara shook her head negatively. Her eyes held a mix of anxiety and curiosity.

Ram smiled faintly and continued, "Horns are a special feature of the Oni race. Controlling and directing them takes time. It might be difficult to understand and use, but I can teach you." Elara, feeling a bit more at ease, found some relief, and Ram approached her, giving her close attention.

Ram, looking at Elara, said, "Concentrate Mana on your forehead first." Elara, expressing her confusion, asked, "How do I do that?"

Ram raised her eyebrows and looked at her carefully. She had assumed Elara had the ability to use Mana, given that horn usage was an expected skill for Oni after the age of five. However, a thought occurred to Ram: "After all, she's a hybrid." Oni rarely married other species; they upheld a clan system, valuing pure blood. Elara being a hybrid raised various questions for Ram.

Ram continued with a teacher-like tone, "Internal focus is needed to concentrate Mana. Focus on the region on your forehead and try to draw energy there." Elara's expression showed that she didn't understand these instructions.

Elara, listening attentively to Ram's explanations, began to focus on the region on her forehead. Using the horn ability was both a curiosity and a responsibility for her. In the learning process of the Oni race, using this skill was a significant step.

Observing Elara's internal effort, Ram instructed, "Try to control your emotions. You need to establish an internal balance. Using horns is not only a physical but also a mental process."

Elara closed her eyes, and a slight pink glow appeared in the center of her forehead, revealing the presence of horns. This sight widened Ram's eyes, and she observed the event with surprise. 'Single-horned... an Oni with a single horn...' This situation only occurred in twin births.

Ram, who had never heard of a single-horned Oni other than herself and her sister, was taken aback. In her old village, there was no information about such a phenomenon because usually, those born single-horned were killed. The unexpectedness and uniqueness of Elara being a single-horned Oni created a different situation from Oni society, and this difference brought both surprise and concern to Ram.

Elara, with excitement, raised her arms and shouted, "I did it! I did it! I did it!" The successful experience had heightened her joy.

Ram, watching this development, felt an inner satisfaction. "At least you have sufficient ability," she muttered. However, when Ram touched Elara's horn, a sudden headache struck her. Ram groaned in pain, holding her head and collapsing to the ground.

Elara, filled with concern, quickly started running to call for help. This abrupt situation had turned Elara's joy and excitement into anxiety and fear. In her haste to reach the nearest person to call for help, she hurriedly moved away.

While lying on the ground, Ram could only see the sky, and this calm scenery began to fill with unexpected memories awakening in her mind. These memories, events she hadn't lived, didn't know, but somehow felt connected to, swirled within her.

One memory stood out vividly among the rest. It was a memory filled with intense hatred towards a person. Ram was in internal conflict; despite wanting to kill that person, she also felt deep love and loyalty toward them. What made the situation more complicated was the fact that she had a daughter with that person.

In the end, Ram's hazy memories took shape, and she remembered the name of that person: Natsuki Subaru. This name created a deep conflict within Ram's inner world.

The memories encompassed everything... It was the memory of a snowy day; she was holding a sleeping baby peacefully in her arms, surrounded by whites. The baby's cheeks were rosy from the cold, but even that enhanced its cuteness.

As Ram immersed herself in that moment, she was startled by sounds from the outside world. Before her, a person appeared, dressed in a black kimono with an eye-catching orange scarf. Their black hair was dazzling, and they were tall, but the most noticeable feature was their orange sparkling eyes. This person looked at Ram with a slight smile.

"Do you remember, Ram? You once called me a 'mentally ill monster,'" Subaru said after gently stroking the baby's cheeks. Then he added, "Yes, maybe you're right. I am sick, and maybe you're so mentally ill that you can love a monster."

Subaru's words were a reflection of his complex emotions. "Maybe I'm insane, maybe I'm a psychopath, maybe I'm even a killer, but you are like me," he said. With these expressions, he not only acknowledged accepting his own dark sides but also tried to understand that Ram had a similar inner world.

As his smile widened, it now carried a more genuine and sincere expression. The smile at that moment seemed to signify the purest forms of friendship and love. The profound meaning in his words conveyed an angelic purity and understanding.

"But none of that matters; it's just you and Elara, and that's enough," he

said. This sentence emphasized that their existence alone was enough to overcome all complex realities and difficulties. Subaru's expression once again highlighted how strong and meaningful this bond was.


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