It was just a normal day when cakes that I was making exploded in the oven which made everything a mess in the oven that me and my staff needed to clean before we did the next batch of cupcakes and cakes for local fundraisers and firehouse and Police station, we were all looking forward to until the oven and the cakes exploded on us so we had to salvage cakes were done and off to the fundraiser and start again on the firehouse cakes and cupcakes and police station cakes and cupcakes.
Because that's what my small business does we make desserts, and food for all the local emergency services that were too to cook them for them and because we like doing that for people who save lives we have been trying to find a hospital that we can cater for but my business is not that big yet, so can't get to that point yet hopefully time next year Christmas we will be up through that point that we can do that for the doctors and nurses that provide healthcare to the sick hospital.
Even though I have big ambitions to expand my shop so early on, I just want to make my mum proud of her little shop and her business that she started when she was alive and help my dad out with the bill that he can't pay and help with my little sister pay off her college things. Being the oldest sibling it was the right thing to do and help my family is everything that they needed and work close by two where the shop is where my dad is and where I live so it does not cost as much to walk to work from work to Home or I needed to be.
That is just how I was brought up when my big bother in high school always made should when my mum was up and dad was making breakfast for all of us but before that, my Second older bother had to feel our dog and because I was the dogs favorite I was all ways there when she ate her food and then she would come with me and wait for me to eat and she would wait until it was all gone and not on my bothers and sisters plates she would nudge at my leg to tell me it is time to have some fun but when my mum got sick I did not want to eat at all I just went along with things but I would not eat at all and the dog also know as my bestie or my sunrise but my bothers and sisters call her sam short for Sammy.
the nick names that my family would come up with for me and her they sometime would say hay look they is sam and rose or sun and water because I all ways have water in my hand no one knew why I did I just love water that much that where I went sam had to come with me because at the time I was unweir that I was sick it would not be until two weeks before my mum started to get sick that sammy would not leave me alone for one secned but when my mum got in of sammy and got and take a away for her is when she realised why sammy was always by me was when my mum put me down on the ground and went after sammy my mum had a weird feeling that something was not right and let go of sammy and came running to but sadly it was too late i had already hit my head on the coffee table that my mum love so much that when she saw that i had hit my head on it she lose her marbles, because that table was supposed to be kid and dog but it wasn't and i had falling into a commer that i just might have not gotten back up from and the fact that my was more pee of that the fact that she did see it sooner.
I was lucky that Sammy stayed by me long enough for my mum to see that I was sick and acting like I was not was just going to make things easy for my mum to me help that I needed it but I always told her that I was sick and that I just might end up dying because I just might be here for much longer because dad took me to the doctor and they said that it was bad after they did an x-ray on my head and did blood work but he was just going to be the start of the years of doctor visits.
but things did get over time I got to high school and do things like a normal person would do and even when I had my bad days I always have my family with me to help me out but that is all in the past now. now that I am turning another year this year I and my sister are going to try to do something fun so she has more fun memories with me.
the end
I hope you guys like this one i might be doing some short ones for a bit but I will be back to writing long ones again soon.
Christmas short story
Romancethis one is just for the Christmas short stories that I am doing in December month