7~ Let's Play

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Author's POV,

She moved her trembling fingers on the knot of her skirt and pulled it.

She shut her eyes tightly and waited for the humiliation to come her way but felt someone's cold finger touching her bare waist.

The worst feeling that surged through her heart was the guilt of recognizing his touch.

He pulled her closer and tied the knot to her skirt before it could touch the ground.

He snaked his arm around her petite waist that could perfectly fit his large palm and clasped her curly hair.

He breathed heavily near her lips making her shut her eyes more tightly and let a lone tear slip out of her eye.

"Why Jaan?" His heavy voice reached her ear and she clutched his shirt in an attempt to push him away from herself but he slammed her hard on himself making her soft chest press against his hard one.

She tried to come out of his hold but froze when his wet lips touched her neck.

"Leave me," She let out her voice barely audible to her ears.

But he was too lost to hear it, he even forgot the purpose behind his visit, he just knew she was in his arms so near to his heart.

"Let me take...Bhai to hospital," her voice cracked, she wasn't weak but not fool for sure either.

She knew her brother needed treatment or he would die of blood loss If she let her ego, and self-respect comes in between.

"Do you love him?" he trailed his finger sensually on her back making her clutch his shirt more tightly.

She kept her mouth shut and felt his wet kisses on her neck, she wrapped her arm around his waist to stay steady and not wanting to fall on her butt.

He played with the knot of her blouse that was tied loosely almost on the verge of freeing her breast and Asked pressing each word, "DO YOU LOVE HIM?"

"He is My brother," She answered and struggled to come out of his hold when it tightened painfully.


She flinched hearing his enraged voice but gathering her courage let out, "Of course I do."

He chuckled and pulled the knot of her blouse making her eyes go wide in horror but his next action shocked her.

He again tied it and kissed her neck leaving soft kisses travelling on her jawline and stopping at her earlobe he nibbled it under his teeth and bit harshly.


His lips curled up in satisfaction hearing her moan and he advised in a calm voice.

"Let him die peacefully."

Her heartbeat skipped after hearing his inhuman words, and gathering her energy she pushed him away and slapped hard on his cheek.


She bent down and held her brother in her arms, the tears she kept stubbornly holding in her eyes dropped down.

"I Will Save you Bhai," She cried, it was the first time she was talking with her brother but he wasn't even in his senses to hear the word Bhai from her.

Suddenly she felt a harsh pull on her arm and it didn't take so much time for her to know who it was.

He held her jaw tightly and forcefully made her look into his dark eyes, his enraged orbs bore holes into her brown ones and he gritted out, "I WAS THINKING YOU LEAVE ALL THE PEOPLE ON THE VERGE OF DEATH WHOM YOU LOVE."

Grave (Ashes sequel) #2|18+  (LL Series) ✓Where stories live. Discover now