𝙑𝙞𝙫𝙖'𝙨 𝙠𝙞𝙙𝙣𝙖𝙥𝙥𝙞𝙣𝙜😱⛓️(part 2)

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Viva was in the villains' lair, she was running after Chazz because he wanted to braid his hair.  "COME ON! LET ME BRAID YOUR HAIR!"  Exclaimed Viva while on Chazz's tail.  "I ALREADY SAID NO!!"

Viva then stops chasing Chazz and crosses her arms, pouting.  "Hmpf, killjoy. If it were Clay he'd let me braid his hair."  Said Viva.  "Who is this? Your little boyfriend?"  Pushy P. asked with a tone of irony.  Viva blushed slightly upon hearing the comment.

"N-N-NO! He's not my boyfriend or anything, we're just best best best friends for a long time heheh... There's nothing else... going on between us."  Viva stated, she seemed quite nervous.  "Oookaaay? Anyway, it doesn't matter. Poppy should already be on her way here to save you."  Magda said with an evil (but adorable) look.

"Okay, but what are we going to do when she gets here?"  Chazz asked Magda Marshtata.  "You're going to hypnotize her with your smooth jazz and make her enter that cage."  Magda explained to Chazz.  Pushy P. asks.  "But what if she's accompanied by more Trolls? Like five or whatever?"

"That won't be a problem, we take them prisoner along with Poppy."  She stated.  "As for you, we'll leave you in a very comfortable cage."  Said Magda, addressing Viva. "Wait, what?..." Questioned Viva.  Chazz then starts playing his sax and Viva falls asleep again.


Poppy and the BroZone brothers continue walking in the cave.  On the way they come across a red carpet and some lights.  "A red carpet?"  JD questioned.  "They must want us to model for them."  Bruce commented.  They both laugh.

"I think we're getting there."  Poppy said.  Branch nodded but wasn't paying attention to where he was going and ended up stepping on a sign on the ground that made a VERY LOUD NOISE.  "WHAT WAS THIS?!"  Floyd exclaimed in fear.

Silence remains in the room for a few seconds until soft music starts to play.  "what?..." Clay questions.  "Oh no... IT'S A TRAP!"  Branch exclaimed to the others.  They were already completely aimless, mesmerized by the smooth Jazz.  Clay was still conscious.  "Oh no..." And then, Branch and Clay are caught in Jazz's softness.


Everything was dark, until Clay opens his eyes and regains consciousness hearing someone calling him.  "Clay! Clay, wake up!"  Exclaimed a female voice.  Clay recognized the voice and began to slowly open his eyes.  "Ah... CLAY! YOU'RE FINALLY WOKE UP!"  It was Viva who was calling Clay worriedly.

"Viva?... oh, Viva!!"  Clay exclaimed, happy to see Viva again, he surprises her with a hug.  Viva returns the hug, giggling at Clay's attitude.  "Yes Clay, it's me."  They break away from the hug.

"Are you okay? They didn't hurt you or anything, right?"  Clay asked worriedly.  "Relax there, lettuce hair, we haven't done anything to her. Yet."  Stated Pushy P. rudely.

Viva gets angry with Pushy P's comment. "Hey! Who do you think you are to talk to him like that?!"  She responded to Pushy P. angrily.  "Aw sorry, did I offend you and your little boyfriend?"  Pushy P. asked sarcastically.  Viva and Clay blush at the comment.

The others were waking up from their sleep. They were all in different cages, they weren't that far away just a few inches apart, but Poppy was in another place with Chazz and Magda.  John was with Bruce and Branch was with Floyd.  "Auhg... damn smooth Jazz..." Branch said as he stood up.

"You guys woke up!"  She exclaimed Viva, happy to see her friends waking up.  "What happened? Where are we?..." Floyd asked.

Branch realizes that someone is missing and soon starts to get worried.  "Where's Poppy?!"  Branch asked.  "Which Poppy? My real sister or that fake one?"  Says Viva pointing to Pushy P.

"HEY! WHO ARE YOU CALLING FAKE?"  Exclaimed Pushy P. turning his attention to Viva.  "YOU YOURSELF YOU CHEAP COPY OF CHERNOBYL!!"  "Woah Viva calm down."  Clay said holding Viva's shoulder trying to calm her down.

"Yeah! listen to your little boyfriend, crazy hair."  Said Pushy P. with a smirk on her face.  "How can this Poppy be so annoying?"  JD questioned.  "The real question is, how do we get out of here?"  Bruce added.

"Don't worry, I got it."  Branch said, taking scrapbook scissors out of his hair and using it as a key to open the lock.  "HEY! WHO LET YOU OUT OF THE CAGE?!"  He exclaimed Pushy P.


Branch freed everyone from their cages, and then they found a way to shut Pushy P up. "Okay, we're done with the annoying one. But what about Poppy?"  JD asked.  "First we have to find out where they took her."  Floyd said.

They then hear a scream coming from somewhere in the cave.  "IT'S POPPY!"  Exclaimed Viva, recognizing her younger sister's scream.  "The scream came from over there!"  Branch said pointing to a tunnel.  They run towards the tunnel.  Arriving at the end, they come across Poppy, Chazz and Magda standing in the middle of the room.

"Poppy!"  Branch said.  Poppy didn't respond.  Everyone was confused, until Poppy turned her attention to her friends and attacked Branch like a savage, taking him to the ground.  "AHG! Poppy?!"  When Branch looked into her eyes he saw that he was hypnotized.  "Poppy what are you doing?!"  She exclaimed Viva.

Chazz then comes up behind Viva while she is distracted and tries to grab her.  "GET AWAY!"  Clay screams, grabbing Viva with her hair and taking her away from Chazz.  "You thought quickly bro!"  JD stated.  "Thanks Clay!"  Viva said.

Chazz looked at them and then started playing his saxophone, causing a soft melody to come out.  Bruce used his hair to stop him from playing another note, throwing the sax away.  "Not today!"  Bruce shouted.  "AUHG! MY SAXOPHONE!"  Chazz exclaimed, going in search of his beloved Sax.

Poppy then wakes up from hypnosis after the sax stops playing.  "Huh? What happened?"  She questioned.  "Poppy!"  Branch exclaimed.  "Let's get out of here! Hurry!"  Floyd exclaimed in warning to his friends.  Everyone follows Floyd and runs to the exit.

Everyone gets to Poppy's Pod as quickly as possible.  "Phew... we did it."  Bruce stated, panting from running so much.  "You guys have to deal with this every day?!"  JD asked referring to Poppy and Branch.  "Not every day. But here in Trollstopia it's always crazy."  Branch replied to his older brother.

"Are you okay Viva? They didn't do anything to you, right?"  Floyd asked.  "I'm fine Floyd! They didn't do anything to me, there was no need to worry."  Said Viva.  "Yes, but there was a certain someone who was SUPER worried about you. Isn't that right, 'Sir Clay'?"  Bruce said teasing his younger brother.

"Shut up Bruce!"  Clay said as he elbowed him.


I ran out of creativity so this chapter was a little less focused on Cliva.  But that's it.  :/

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