🦖~Moving In~🦖

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After the New Year's party Daddy launched immediately into house hunting, finding one we liked quickly and buying it. Grandma and mom watched me for a couple hours each day while daddy and Grandpa went to decorate and work on the house and move stuff in, keeping all the essentials and a few toys for me to play with at Mom's. The anticipation kept building to finally have a place with my boyfriend and daddy making me extra bouncy as I played with Mom and Grandma. Finally, the day was here! Mom was sitting on the floor with me, everything but the few toys we'd be leaving at Mom's for when we visited were packed, as she played with me like when I was younger when Daddy came in.

"Ready to go munchkin?" He asked, picking me up with Chompy in my arms.

"Yeah! I can't wait to see what chu dids to da house!" I said excitedly, having not seen it since we toured it last week.

"Alright pumpkin, tell Mommy bye bye, okay?" He said as mom walked over.

"Bye bye mama! See chu soon, otays!" I said, hugging her from Daddy's arms as she kissed my forehead.

"You take good care of my baby boy, okay Marcus?" She said, smiling at him.

"Of course, Mrs. Price" he said, smiling back.

"Marcus, you're family now. Just call me mom" she said, giving him a hug, squishing me between them as I giggle.

"I... alright Mom, I will" he said, smiling happily. "Let's go, petal." He said, carrying me out to the car.

Over the last few weeks I'd grown to not care what others think as long as I had Daddy and Mommy on my side, so I took no issue with Daddy carrying me out to the car. He placed me into my comfy car seat, strapping me in, and kissing my forehead as I held Chompy and sucked on my paci and we started driving off.

Soon we arrived at our new house. It was a bit secluded, allowing us any privacy we would want with a big yard. Looking out I nearly squealed when I saw Daddy had gotten a big play gym with a slide and swings as well as a trampoline with a safety net. Pulling in, Daddy comes around and opens my door, unbuckling me and picking me up and walking to the door.

"Ready to see the house, baby?" He asks, kissing my forehead.

"Uh huh!" I say, bouncing on his hip.

Daddy opens the door, my eyes going wide as we walk in. The house looks amazing! It's decorated like a modern house, but Daddy added in little bits of my favorite color green here and there, making it pop. In the middle of the living room I see a big play pin full of my toys, off in the corner is a huge baby bouncer, and next to the dining table I see a highchair covered in...

"Dinosaurs!" I exclaim excitedly when I see it, making Daddy chuckle as he walks over to the object of my fixation.

"You like it, bubba?" He asks, making me nod vigorously.

"Well baby, just you wait, Daddy's saving the best room for last" he says with a wink.

He carries me around the house, giving me a tour until we reach a room with my name spelled out in dinosaur letters on the door, making me gasp and smile wide. Daddy opens the door and I about bounce out of his arms. The walls were covered with a forest design with dinosaurs of various colors and types all around. A big T-Rex rug sat in the floor in the middle of the room, another play pin tucked into the corner. Along one wall was a big changing table with a dinosaur pattern on the cushion on top. Finally, tying the whole room together was a queen-size crib in the middle in white covered with dinosaur stickers with vine patterns wrapped around the posts.

"You like it baby boy?" Daddy asks, sitting me down on my feet, immediately launching towards the crib, jumping in it as soon as my feet touched the ground. "Baby careful! You'll hurt yourself!"

"Sowwy dada" I said, bouncing on my butt on the mattress, holding Chompy tight.

"It's okay, bubba, just be more careful okay?" He says, sitting on the edge of the crib. "So, do you like it?"

"I WUV it!!!" I say, making Chompy nom daddy's head and giggling as I bounce more, making Daddy chuckle.

"I'm glad you do my little Etha-saur" Daddy says, starting to tickle me, making me roll all around my crib before stopping and checking my diaper. "I think it's time to give the changing table a test-drive" he chuckles.

I sit up, feeling my diaper squish under me, blushing a little. "Daddy did it!" I say, giggling a little.

"Oh? Daddy wet your diaper now?" He chuckles, starting to tickle me again. "I think it was my little baby that made himself a soggy bottom!"

"Hahahaha! Daaaaaaddyyyyy!!" I yell through my fit of giggles before he stops again. "I nu soggy bottom, Daddy soggy bottom!" I say, booping his nose.

"Sure Daddy is, sweetie" he says, picking me up and patting my wet bum as he carries me over to the changing table, setting out to get me cleaned up and dry, changing me into my dino onesie.

Soon enough I'm placed into the playpen in the living room with my toys and Chompy while Daddy goes to get the last of our stuff moved in. He finishes putting everything up and sits on the couch, watching me play contently.

After everything was all set up and brought in the house Daddy ordered some pizza and we went towards the table.

"Dinosaur! Dinosaur! Dinosaur!" I scream, running to the high chair.

"C'mon Petal, let's get you in your high chair, next time no running ok?" Daddy says, lifting my into the chair.

"Yes Daddy, I sowwies," I reply eagerly awaiting my pizza.

After dinner, we settled into the living room, watching Land Before Time with me pointing every time Chompy was on screen. When the movie ended, Daddy took me into my new room, changed my diaper, and laid me down in my new crib.

"Want a story Bubba?" He asked, putting the bars on the crib up.

"Yesh pease Daddy! Moon! Moon!" I tell him through my paci. I snuggle into bed, paci in my mouth, Chompy in my arms, and Daddy starting to read Goodnight Moon. The perfect end to the perfect day in my brand new home with my favorite person.

My Roommate, My DaddyWhere stories live. Discover now