wanting to know more

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At his side, tharn had his hand to his head to be looking over type who was to his back with his hand to his stomach, to have his head to the side to be sleeping soundly.
Tharn darted his eyes over him to raise his free hand to move his long hair that was partly to his  body to then place it behind him to place that hand to types face to then curl his fingers inward to move it up and down.
You are so beautiful.
Type took in a deep breathe to then go from his back to his side, to continue to be under, tharn withdrew with hand to place it between them to continue to eye over him..
Tharn then placed his hand back to types cheek to caress once more to then move closer.
Type kept breathing in and hard, tharn went even closer.
"Type...." He said slowly.
Type furrowed his brow.
"Type, what is of your favorite thing in this world?"
Type signed.
"To sleep..... You should do the same."
"I wish to know, I wish to know every to the thing of you, what is your wants, your wishes? I can grant, give you...."
Type slowly opened his eyes to then look over tharn with a bit of irritation, to move up his hand to take his away to then go to his back to place his arms under to have his head to the other side.
"Are you to be a genie?"
Tharn then moved closer.
"Be mine type, fully.....I can give you the world."
Type turned his head to eye over tharn a bit confused, he then brought up a hand to place to his forehead.
"Are you to be well?"
Tharn placed his hand over his to then hold to his chest.
"I..... Feel deeply for you type, I have fallen in....."
Types eyes widened to turn to his side to place his other hand over his mouth.
"Do not speak another word! You are too be in love with my brother! Physically we are in, that is why you are too speak such.... Nonsense! You do not know of me, not truly, now you need to cease, and go into your slumber!"
Tharns eyes narrowed to move rather quick to get on type, to go under the blanket, to then place his hands to his wrists to eye over him.
"I have known you for...."
Type rolled his eyes..
"You do not know me! Just to the fact you forcefully place yourself inside does not of the mean mm!"
Tharn hearing over this moved type about to place his hands above his head to then place a hand over his mouth.
"I am not to be inside of your forcefully! You like of it and know it! Now, fine, you may be right to a fact, I do not fully know what is of made of you, then I wish to know, every thing."
Type Darted his eyes to then start to shake his head, tharn slowly moved his hand off to eye over .
Type turned his head to furrow his brow.
"Tharn....I do not know what has gotten into you, it is probably to the late, I wish to sleep."
Tharn continued to eye over type to move slowly down to start to kiss at his body, type started to whimper.
"Either we shall go again, or you can talk. I wish to know more about you, how you think...."
Type rolled his eyes.
"And kertya?"
Tharn signed to then peer his eyes up to narrow them to then go to a nipple to start to lick his tongue all about, type body bucked to lift his head up.
"Nn..... Tharn!"
Tharn then moved his head up.
"Converse type, I shall keep to the going."
Type darted his eyes over the ceiling to make a face has tharn started to kiss about his body.
"Ugh..... What in the world would you like to know?"
"Every thing."
Type signed.
"I wish for you to stop."
Tharn shook his head to start to nip..
"Converse type."
Type took in a deep breathe.
"You need to be talking to kertya, know him more!"
Tharn shrugged to keep kissing about.
"I know everything of him."
Types eyes widened to then be able to struggle out of tharns grasp to then push him away for them to eye over the other.
"Then have him be to your bed! Oh wait, that shall never be! You then just use his brother has a concubine"
Type then tried to get out of the bed for tharn to pounce, type was to his stomach to then struggle, has tharn was on him.
"Now you listen to me brat! I feel more for you then I have ever for your brother, I no longer see a future with him, but with you! One day I will be king, I can change the rules, the princess and I are too be engaged until my father's dies and from what I heard from the doctor, that just might be. This is something I never converse with him about! Who you are made me fall for you, not what your body has given to me! Now stop pushing me towards your brother, you are the one who now owns my heart!"
Types Lips parted to then gulp to press his cheek to the bed to make a hard face.
"Tharn..... Get to the off....."
Tharn rolled his eyes.
"You really to tell me of this after all I have....."
"I can not breathe!"
Tharns eyes widened to then move to his knees to watch over type who got up on all fours to take in deep breaths, tharn became worried to place his hand to his back to rub.
"Are you to be mm!"
Type turned to grab ahold of tharn to crush his mouth to his to have them slowly go down, type gripped tharns head and hard to his hair to move his mouth with his to swirl there tongue about the other, for type to move his hand slowly down to grip tharns cock to slowly move it in, he wanted this man and bad.

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