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Felix: pov.

After i finished grocery shopping, i went back home.

When i opened the door, i nearly tripped over a bunch of shoes standing in the doorway. Luckily i caught myself on the wall before i hit the ground. i stood up straight again and looked around to see three pairs of fancy shoes, and three long black coats hanging in our hallway. I quickly walked into the living room to ask jisung what the heck was going on, but once i entered the living room i knew it. I saw Hyunjin, Minho and a  friend of them sitting on our couch, and jisung sitting in the arm chair. He immediately noticed when i walked into the room, looking confused.

„Oh felix you're back! Look who came over to visit me". he smiled happily. I, on the other hand, wasn't happy about our guest. At least not about one of them. I looked at jisung with wide eyes and walked over to him. I grabbed his arm and pulled him with me into the hallway.

Once we were alone i whisper-yelled at him.
„What the heck is going on?! Why is he here? i told you that i don't wanna see him again and yet you bring him into my home??" i was is complete disbelief. „Oh calm down. It's not like he's here because of you anyway. He's here because minho brought him here, and minho is here because he wanted to ask me if i could help his brother's wife in the restaurant on the weekend. So chill. Plus this is also my home and not only yours." he said back, playing down my issues.

Before i could say anything back, hyunjin stepped into the hallway. He looked at me and then at jisung. He spoke up, his voice low and calm like usual. „Jisung, I think minho wants to talk about a few more things because of the job".  he said. Jisung immediately nodded and walked back into the living room, leaving me alone with him.

He looked over at me, still the same calm expression on his face. „So...would you mind telling me what your issue is with being around me? Because if our best friends become friends, we'll see each other more often from now on." he quietly said. I was dumbfounded by that question because i really didn't see it coming. I got a little nervous because i didn't know how to respond. I walked past him into the kitchen, to get further away from the others.

„It's not like i have a problem with you..." i quietly said while opening a cabinet. He followed me into the kitchen and leaned against the doorframe.
Once he saw me struggling to grab a cup from the top, he walked closer and grabbed it for me, so that our bodies were pressed against each other now. My face got a little red in embarrassment because i didn't expect him to do that. He placed the cup down in front of me and leaned against the counter.

„Well if you don't have a problem with me, then why are you trying to avoid me at all costs. It doesn't make sense and you know it" he said calmly while watching me fill up my cup with water. „Yeah uh- right. The thing is just that it's still weird for me because we slept with each other-" he interrupted me. „Oh so it's still about that. Why do you have such a big problem with that?" he questioned. „i- well...god because every time i look at you, i see the pictures from that night in my head and it makes me- i feel weird about it. Usually when people have one-night-stands, they don't see each other afterwards but apparently we are just dammed to running into each other somehow." i say and then quickly take a big sip of water.

„ that's it. Well, i get that it makes you feel weird, but if jisung and minho become friends, you'll probably see me even more often. I can try to avoid you as well but it probably won't work. Plus, i think it would be better if we just start over and forget everything.
How about that?". It certainly didn't sound that bad...actually it sounded really good. I nodded in agreement and put my cup down.

„Alright. Then lets start over." i reached out my hand towards him. „Hi, nice to meet you, i'm felix" i felt a little silly while saying that and laughed. He chuckled as well and shook his head. „so we're really doing this? God...okay well, name is hyunjin, very nice to meet you as well". We both laughed, and for the first time I didn't feel uncomfortable around him.

We went back into the living room and talked a little.

Hyunjin's pov:

I was glad that felix seemed less tense around me now. I have enough tension at work and home, so it feels nice to have a little bit relaxing time now.

Eventually everything between jisung and minho got cleared up, about the weekend job in his brother's wife's restaurant and we decided to leave. Minho gave jisung his number „just in case he had questions" but i knew that it wasn't the only reason. We all said goodbye and then left the little apartment again.

On our way to the car, chan spoke up.
„So you really got his number now, huh?" he teased minho. He just rolled his eyes at chan's comment, which made me chuckle a little. We got back into the car and drove to the office again.

well- halfy i guess. I have a lot of exams going on rn so it'll be hard to update, but i js miss writing so i decided to make some time for it. Plus i don't wanna keep ya'll waiting for too long because some of you really seem to enjoy this little thingy here. Anyway very much love to everyone who's reading this, and thank you for reading my story. I luv ya'll🥹.

Have a great day/ evening, depending on what it is for you right now🫶

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