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2 weeks later

Aces POV:
It's been a couple of weeks and I've been getting
Closer and closer to Axel day by day. We now know almost everything about each other and I've been much more comfortable around him. I also started calling him daddy, and ever since then, he's very strict if I call him by his real name while getting punished or if we aren't just chilling.

Unfortunately I woke up in a horrible mood this morning, so when he tried waking me up I aggressively resisted.

I hit him, cursed him out, and even decided to throw a couple pillows at him. The worst part is that he never shows when he's angry, he just calmly walked over to me, making me mentally shit myself.

So I'm currently sitting Cris cross facing the corner, Axel insisted on time outs because 'it helps you reflect on what u did wrong'. He also never told me how long I have to sit here for. Which made the dumb timeout even worse.

This isn't my first time in time out, I absolutely hated timeouts, because after a couple of minutes, I start to zone out and overthink about what I did, then I would wonder if he's really mad at me then it will get emotional.

Axel caught on with that quick. Which is why he doesn't like keeping me in the corner for long.

I was pulled from my thoughts by the sudden sound of axles voice.

"Come here baby."

I heard his husky voice demand. I heard our bed squeak meaning he sat down.

I got up and pouted with my head down. I walked over to him keeping my gaze away. I was still mad, who does he think he is waking me
Up at 8 am on a Saturday.

I stood infront of him with my head down. I crossed my arms and scowled at him. Waiting for whatever he had to say.

He grabbed one of my folded arms and pulled me onto his lap. He laid with his back  to the head board. I sat on his lap with my legs on both of his sides.

He sighed and placed a hand on my thigh. I uncrossed my arms and started to play with my finger nails as I kept head down.

"Why we're you put into time out baby?" He questioned. I avoided his gaze and didn't answer.

As angry as I was, I still felt the need to answer him.

"Hm?" He hummed waiting for my answer.

Instead of giving him the answer he wanted.

"I don't think it was fair that I was put into time out." I mumbled, too afraid of what would happen if he actually heard that.

"What was that?" He questioned lightly pinching my thigh, i squirmed from his touch, but he held me still.

"Answer me." He demanded. I may or may not have blushed in that moment.

"I-I hit you.." I started and shut my mouth.

"You did.. what else?" I regret everything I did. I felt bad for being so mean to him. Especially because he saved me from a bad place. And
I like how things are going.
I don't want him to think I'm taking advantage..

"I- called you bad words." He stopped me.

"Mhm. Is it okay to call daddy names?" He softly asked, stroking my thigh.

I sniffled and shook my head. He nodded in response.
"A-and I threw pillows a-at you.."

He nodded. I looked up at him and almost saw hurt in his eyes.

He pried my hands away de each-other since I was fidgeting.

"Is it okay to do any of those things to daddy?" He asked looking me in the eye. My lip quivered and I shook my head vigorously.

"Use your words baby." He prompted, i blushed.

"N-No daddy. It's n-not okay..."

He nodded in agreement.

We stayed silent as he studied me, abruptly I was pulled to his chest. My head laid where his heart was, he stroked my brown messy hair, his other hand caressed my back.

As he held me, I couldn't help but feel guilt.

He was taking care of me, he took me as his own.
And I just have to go and treat him like shit.
Why was I such a bad person?

He didn't need to come rescue me.. he chose too. And I'm here acting like a total brat.

Tears formed in my eyes as my head laid against him.

"I'm sorry for b-being so mean to you today d-daddy.." I sincerely apologized as my voice broke. 

He caught on quickly hearing my voice and sat me up again.

I covered my face with my hands due to my embarrassment of crying over nothing.

"It's okay baby, all is forgiven. You just didn't wanna wake up."

He soothed me as I leaned back into him. I sniffled into his neck as my head laid on his shoulder.

He rubbed my back and I melted into his touch. I took a second to lay there and appreciate all that he's done for me, I mean.

With all the comfort, it all just felt...weird.

After 17 years of being treated with neglect. I finally found a comforting place to stay.

It all just confused me. How horrible I though life was along with society. How people acted towards me.. how I was treated.

When I was young I was told to believe life was your chance to a good life or a bad one. I was told heaven and hell were the real lives, and that the so called 'life' were living right now is your once and only chance to show god that you deserve heaven.

I was told by Kayla, that one day when I get old enough we were both gonna run away to Tampa together. She said life was much better there. I asked her. 'Life can be good?'

She responded with 'our life is one of many that isn't good.'

My mother always told me life would be cruel. And my dad thought his life was great. As long as he had a bottle of beer in his hands he was fine.

My thoughts were interrupted when Axel stood up with me still snuggled onto him.

I immediately wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist.

I whimpered by the sudden movement and moved my nose deeper into his neck. He gently shushed me and kissed my cheek.

"My baby just needs daddy's extra attention." He mumbled against my head as he walked out of the bedroom and down the hall. I shuddered, am I about to get punished?

Axel has spanked me a couple times after the first. And after only 2 times of being spanked by him I absolutely hated it.

Yes, it was extremely hot. Buy the pain on my poor backside was unbearable. Of course aftercare was involved, it was one of my favorite parts about spanking. But the spanking in general, yeah not so much.

I've only ever been spanked and put into time out. I asked him if I broke any rules would I always get spanked as a punishment and he darkly replied with a simple, 'No'

Ever since then I've made sure to be on my best behavior, up until now.
Please give me ideas, what should the next chapter be?

Ace getting punished?

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