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"Come on fire all you need to do is believe in yourself" said Cosmo. "its simple!" " oh I think I got it!' said Fire fox as she started to make fire appear. But then she started to doubt she could do it. "I don't think I can do it." she said. all at once the fire went out. "uugghhh". she said. don't worry, said Cosmo, "you will get it eventually, it took me forever to master fire. But look at me now!" he said as he made fire appear in his hands. "you just need to- "believe in yourself". fire fox interrupted. "I know that so why can't I do it!!"  she said angry. this was the 20th time she failed."Let's take a break" said Cosmo. After 2 minutes of silence fire fox spoke. "I will never master fire!!!" "If you say so." said Cosmo calmly. huh? said fire, what do you mean?" "I mean if you keep on saying you can't then you won't, he explained. But if you start saying you can, you will."  Later on fire's way her house she thought about what Cosmo had said, If you keep saying you can't you won't. Hmmmm, she thought, "Maybe he's right". this gave her something to think about on the rest of her way home.   

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