From My Eyes

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(Note: Binnie's POV during and after the assault in chapter 4 and 5.)

(TW: Assult)


Glancing over at Chan as you all wait for the lobby elevator, you watch him mentally count the kids--like he always does--ensuring that everyone is accounted for. Which they are--you know because you did the same headcount just a second earlier--and came to the same conclusion: we're still one shy.

"Where's y/n?" Chan glances around the group along with you, scanning for her, and finding nothing.

"Maybe--" you start.

"She ran off saying she left something in the car, I think?" I.N interjects absentmindedly as he steps into the elevator with everyone else. "I'm sure she'll be back soon."

Something about her being off on her own doesn't quite sit right with you, even if you don't really have the right to feel so protective. And it seems it doesn't sit right with Chan either because you both step back from the elevator, staying in the lobby instead. You and him have always been on the same page when it came to things like this.

"We'll wait for her and catch up with you guys," you tell the rest of them as the door closes and you step off to the side out of the way.

Han though--who had also stayed back, more than likely to tease the two of you--he turns to you and Chan, his brows raised and a faint smirk on his lips. "Makes you feel better to have her in your sights, huh?" He gives a quiet chuckle, already knowing both of you well enough to know the answer. Which is why neither of you bother to rise to the bait.

New as she may be to your guys' little group, you do feel better when you can keep on eye on her and remind yourself that she's okay. You know she's capable and can take care of herself can't help that urge to protect that lives inside you. It's something that you feel for all the kids, and it's that same urge that seems to extend to y/n too.

She fits in with the lot of you so well and the thought makes you smile a bit. Until--

"When are we going to eat Chan hyung? And where?" Han whines and while you're just as hungry and looking forward to a hearty meal, right now, you can be patient. Only if it means patiently waiting for y/n.

"Not sure where," Chan responds with an indulgent and disarming smile. "Is there any place you would like to go to Hannie?"

"Well," Han starts, his spine straightening as he dives into a list of potential options with the utmost of seriousness, "I think--"

You glance around the lobby as you listen to Jisung with half a mind. And your blood instantly runs cold when you spot a familiar, pretty face in the crowd. A face that's turned into a scowl so strong you can spot it even from this far away.


You don't care that you're interuppting Han and whatever it is that he was rambling on about. You only have eyes for y/n and the pushy sleazebag now grabbing hold of her arm.

At your harsh tone, Chan is turning to you in an instant, wasting no time in following your gaze a second later. Just in time to see y/n punch his jaw. And though you're already moving toward them intent on making this douchebag regret his life choices--especially as he rubs a rough hand over her chest and grabs her chin--Chan launches in a run, blowing past you in the blink of an eye.


Chan is none too quiet about his explicit declaration and you couldn't be more glad for it, especially as it looks like that greasy-looking, deranged man had started pulling her through the lobby by her arm, like he's trying to take her somewhere.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11 ⏰

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