He Disappeared

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Two weeks later. It's been two weeks since Leonard freaking Ross asked me to help him get his rugby act back. 

Since that day, school just seemed to fly by without much notice. Attendance. Class. Recess. Classes. Lunch. Duties. Classes. Assembly. Home. By the next day each school day, the cycle repeats. Mid-terms were on its way. There was gong to be a charitable event for kids with cancer to commence after Mid-terms. 

So as you can see, my mind was all caught up on all these activities. It was a good distraction from Leonard. Just somewhere deep down in my heart, I hope he was okay. Wherever he might be. 

On the bright side, it gave me time to re-think on my 'crush' for him. What was it exactly that made me like him? What did he do that made my heart burn? Do I actually have a certain kind of guy that I have crushes on? Geez, I was faced with so much questions in my final years of middle school. 

Nevertheless, I will always have my best friends; Unis, Collin and Anna. They knew exactly what was going on with me. They knew what I was thinking about. Why the sudden disappearance? What will happen to him with rugby? Is he passing school with good grades? Does he know about the upcoming Mid-Terms? I couldn't help but ask myself the same thing. Day by day, time is waste away. My thoughts consumed ever so much by questions left unanswered. 

Well being from a religious family, the least I could do was pray for the poor guy. As much as my heart has liked him, so has my spirit. My only prayer is that he is fine and well. Wait, what am I thinking? He's not dead. Never mind... So yeah, he hasn't left a trail of clues since that day. 

Here's the thing, his friends do not know of his whereabouts, his class teacher hasn't received any calls whatsoever regarding him, his younger brother in elementary school said that he hasn't been home and the office hasn't called in his parents regarding rugby for him. 

So, why has he really disappeared? 

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