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We finally arrived at the mall. I noticed how large the building was, it was a popular mall among the city. He gave me a huge shock when he said that the mall was basically his, his father owns the mall and he will inherit it soon. His words annoyed me because he sounded like a snobby rich kid; the type of people I despised.

I hated how some people would work so hard to just earn a few dollars, but these rich people, earn that much in a millisecond with no effort put in.

Don't get me wrong, I don't hate people for having money. I hate people who have money but choose to spend it on stupid prices with their arrogant tone. I hate people who would look down on others, for their income, and for how much power they hold.

Wooseok told the workers in one of the stores, to grab everything on the shelves, and everything available in the stores. The complied happily.

I was confused on why he would buy so many clothes, I get that my closet is depressing, but this was too much. For the next two stores, he did the same. Mind you, one shirt in these stores, would cost hundreds.

I left the mall with bags and bags of clothes that I don't think I'll ever wear. We got into the car and drove to his parents' home. I noticed we were heading to a very secluded neighborhood, with not many but large mansions. There was this one house in particular, that caught my eye. I soon came to realize, that was his parents' home.

We went through the doors, is it weird that the air felt sharper? We locked arms as we continued to walk, wanting to look like a happy couple. We reached a room, and when it was opened, I was exposed to 5 pairs of eyes, glaring at me. I tried to smile but the atmosphere felt so tense, it made my whole face shift on its own.

In that room, it consisted of a very elegant looking lady with her serious looking husband. Next to them, I assume, is Wooseok's younger half sister. She looked like a high schooler, she was definitely judging me. Next to her, was a man with a completely different aura, I couldn't read him or his face, but all I know is that he's the older brother of Wooseok. He was reading a book and turned to look at us, making eye contact with me.

"Wooseok, you're here!" Wooseok's sister exclaims, jumping into his arms. She was very energetic, compared to the rest of the family members, including Wooseok.

She dragged Wooseok to the table they were sitting at, completely ignoring me. I made myself welcome and sat next to Wooseok who was completely occupied with his sister.

"You must be Hae-rin, I've heard a lot about you." His mother says.

I gave her a smile, although she seemed hostile at first glance, her words were soft and welcoming.

"Yes, I am Hae-rin. It's a pleasure to be here with you today, auntie." I responded with politeness, I didn't want a bad impression. Wooseok's father, soon returned the energy. He gave me an approving look, and nodded.

"Oh right..! This is Hyunwook, Wooseok's older brother. He's a little cold, but that's just how he is, it's not because it hates you or anything. This is Jamie, Wooseok's younger half sister. They're inseperable at times, but she's not a threat or anything. She can be a little mean at first, but she's a pretty kind person once you get close." His mother says on behalf of everyone. "By the way, you can call me mom. Wooseok has never agreed to things like business marriages, so I was surprised when he willingly agreed to this one. He must really like you, and I trust my son's decisions."

The family wasn't anything like I expected them to be. They were kind and welcoming. Even though it's only been ten minutes with them, I can tell they were happy. Unlike my broken family, they were all smiling happily. Including Hyunwook, although he seemed like a quiet person.

The visit was quite enjoyable, I had tea with Wooseok's mother and helped her around the house. She felt like the mother I never had, a true one. While helping and talking with his mother, I got closer to Wooseok as well. He was a genuine person behind the cold and stirn face he always has. He was like a different person when he was with his family.

~Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed today's chapter/episode. I'm sorry for any grammatical mistakes. And as always, stay tuned for the next chapter/episode!

Marriage | Byeon Woo Seok FFWhere stories live. Discover now