Meeting Him

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Today should have been normal, emphasis on should have. Currently, though (Name) was fighting off some guy who's accusing her of being a succubus.

"I knew religious people were crazy but this is a whole new level of crazy. All I did was say hi." She did her best not to hurt the man instead, choosing to dodge and run.

"DEMON! SUCCUBUS!! DIE!!" His shouts were filled with malice that of which she hadn't heard in many years. She sighs and continues to run, hoping to at least lose the man on the dark, empty streets. Although she was starting to lose the distance from him. As the exhaustion started to set in, she ran into a solid object.

"Fuck sorry." She looks up to see a blonde man with a cigarette hanging from his lips.

"Bloody hell, what's got you running like that. Can't be anything good." He spoke like he'd known her for ages even though they just met. He definitely wasn't from around here. After all, it wasn't common for people to have that kind of accent here.He was so casual for someone who nearly got knocked over. Then the yelling started up again, causing the woman sitting on the ground next to him to tense.

"Ah, so that's what's got you all panicked love. Seems that all kinds of things have been going on lately. Come on, get up, don't want 'im to catch you, right?" He held his hand out for her, and she took it, pulling herself up. The man had finally caught up growling like an angry dog when he saw she wasn't alone anymore.

"So you seduced someone to keep you safe!? You can't hide forever, demon!"

"What the hell did you do to him? You must've really led him on love."

"I don't know him. I have no idea why he's chasing me." The blonde man turns to her and raises an eyebrow.

"That's a new one. Well, I'll help you out. Names John Constantine. Try to remember it." He turns back to the angry man, taking one last drag of his cigarette before stomping it out.

"Now let's do something about that anger of yours." He grins before reciting something in a language (Name) could not understand. Not that it mattered because whatever he said caused the man to drop to the ground like a sack of potatoes.

"Now that that's taken care of, why don't you tell me why a powerful magic user like yourself is running away from a fight." (Name)'s mouth opens in shock at Constantine's words.

"You knew? But how?"

"Hard to hide all that power from one of your own. Plus, you almost let it slip when you got all tense earlier. Saw those rings start to form around your wrists. You were gonna make a break for it and leave me to fend for myself. Not very nice of you, but I don't blame you." He pulls out another cigarette and lights it, placing it in his mouth, taking a long drag.

"Anyways. I've got places to be. I'll be going, miss Succubus." He waves turning around. A house appears in front of him, and (Name) just stares in shock. He steps into the house, leaving her there to figure out what to do with the sleeping body of the man who was trying to kill her two seconds ago.

After tying him up, she stands hoping to just leave him there and go home. She sighs and uses her magic to open a portal to her house, not even bothering to check if anyone sees. She's too tired to care. She walks through and plops onto her bed, succumbing to exhaustion and falling asleep right then.

The next day, she got up and changed out of the clothes she wore the night before. Deciding to go out on a walk to clear her mind. She steps out of her dingy apartment and onto the streets.

"It's dark. I must've slept longer than I thought." She talks to herself to keep her mind occupied. The walk isn't anything too crazy. No muggers, no demons, just a normal walk. Or so she'd hoped. A car came flying at her, and in her panic, she threw out a portal to keep the car from hitting her, and this time, there were definitely witnesses. She curses to herself and makes a run for it, finding an empty alley to drop a portal and escape. She drops it and jumps in, expecting to end up in her room, but instead, when she opens her eyes, she's met with a room full of people. Well, three people and a ghost.. two ghosts?


"Who are you? I thought people could only get in this house if they knew about it." Holy shit it was Batman.

"Normally, yes, but I believe you four will be needing more help on this mission. This woman has powerful magic residing inside her she would be of great help to your cause."

"Well, look who it is. I didn't expect to meet you again. Well, not like this, at least." John's expression is smug.

"John? What the hell is going on? Why am I not in my house?"

"Where'd you pick up her? She doesn't seem like your type John." A woman with black hair speaks up. That woman happening to be the famous magician Zee Zatara, aka Zatanna.

"Oh no, we met when she ran into me. I saved her and went on my way. I don't even know her name."

"Wow. What a night it must've been for you then." Zatanna rolls her eyes. (Name) watches the two of them argue with a confused expression.

"What is happening?"

"They do this a lot. They were a thing." The ghost floated over to her startling (Name).

"Name's Boston."

"Uh hi. I'm (Name)." She smiles a little awkwardly due to the craziness of everything going on right now.

"We're wasting time." Batman's voice cuts through the house like a blade stopping John and Zatanna in their tracks. John sighs and resigns himself to helping the team. Opening the door to their next location.

This Crazy Existence (John Constantine)Where stories live. Discover now