Chapter 12

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It was Sunday, and the day was turning out to be glorious. The sun was out, but the breeze cooled the temperature quite a lot, so it was rather brisk. Despite the sun, we were wearing jackets. It was vastly different from the past week, when it had been crazy hot. I guess it didn't help that the caravan amplified the heat.

Anzide and I were walking around Hades, taking a tour of the streets and buildings. We looked like a pair of tourists, mostly because I had my camera with me. This wasn't a casual stroll for sightseeing or to learn the layout. This was a vampire population count for Niko.

We'd discussed the vampires in this town. Niko knew that there would not be a single one of them that was on his side. He said that it was simple. There was no doubt that Drakkus would rule with an iron fist, and if a vampire didn't do what he wanted, they'd soon find his wrath. If that ended in death or compliance, Niko wasn't sure. That's why he wanted to know who was left.

Beatrice was proof of the determination that Drakkus held to maintain complete control. When she returned to the town and posed as her alter ego, Natalia, Drakkus, and his cronies tried to get her to enter the coven. Her refusal was met with many attempts to kill her. It just made it all the more clear that any vampire that didn't enter his coven was dead and that every single vampire in this town was on his side. We could not trust anyone.

Anzide was my guide as to where I should point the camera. At a distance, I couldn't tell if someone was a vampire or not. The only reason I'd managed to get the other vampires so easily was because I'd seen them in the forest attacking Niko.

Turning down a side street, I'd become distracted by the view. I hadn't been down this street, and it was rather pretty. Trees lined the center strip, and they were showing the first sign of fall. Soon, they'd turn a little rusty with pretty browns and oranges, and then the cold would continue to grow. I couldn't wait for the snow to arrive.

"Have you seen snow before?"

Anzide looked at me, giving a shake of his head. His attention on me didn't last, and Anzide turned back to the path ahead of us. I frowned. It was unlike Anzide, and I wondered what was going on.

Before I could ask, his hand went on my shoulder, and his free hand rose to his face, his index finger pressed against his lips. With a flick of his head, Anzide gestured further down the path. I could see what had made Anzide quiet. It was Audrey.

The more I watched her, the more I realized how strangely she was acting. Her head was always turning back to see what was happening behind her. It looked like she was checking to see if anyone was following her.

Stepping out onto the street, Audrey quickly crossed to the other side. There was a gap between buildings, enough for pedestrians but nothing else. Interestingly enough, Kannon was waiting for her.

The area was too open for anything scandalous, but I found it curious that they were secretly meeting like this.

"We'll stay here. Change the settings and take photos."

"For what purpose?"

"Rainy day savings."

At this distance, the click of the camera would not be heard. Altering the camera, I waited until they were in focus and began taking the photos. At first, they were harmless, but it soon changed.

"And here I thought that a public use path would make them behave."

"It's only kissing, Evie."

"Yeah, it's where it begins. Soon, those panties will hit the floor, just like last time. You know, I don't want to see them do the wall shuffle again, thanks."

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