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Minho pov

I was walking into the hallway, it was crowded, really crowded.

I thought it was some fight because that is usually the reason, but it isn't.

As I made my way into the crowd, I saw jisung on the floor, I didn't see who pushed him. But all I know is that my blood is boiling.

I pushed everyone that was in my way until I was right behind that person that pushed jisung.

I kicked him and pushed him, he was all dressed in black and had his hood on, it was obvious he didn't want anyone to know who he is.

I help jisung up and before doing anything I kicked the guy one more time then walk away with jisung shaking in my arms.

As soon as we went somewhere more private, jisung hugged me.

My eyes widen as I hugged him back, placing my hands on his small waist.

He didn't say anything, we stayed like this for a long time, until I decided to speak up.

"You ok?" He didn't say anything back.
"Jisung?" He shook his head.
"What did he do to you?" He finally lifted his head up looking up at me.
"He...he didn't do anything." I Looked at him not believing what he is saying.
"You are shaking so he clearly did something."
"He just whispered something in my ear, nothing bad." He looked like he will burst out crying at any second.
"What did he say?" I asked softly as I play with his hair.

Jisung didn't say anything, he just lowered his head on my neck, I could feel his soft breath.

He then whispered. "He said he will do something bad to me.. he will..." He burst out crying.

We just stayed there, in that position, his arms around my neck and my arms around his waist, we didn't say anything, just his soft crying could be heard.
"Do you know who he is?" I asked as I draw circles on his back.
He shook his head.
"Let's get you home."
"What about school?" He looked up.
"I doubt you want to study now."
I took his hand in mine and walked out the school.

He kept on looking everywhere.

He is worrying me.
He then looked up at me as he stopped walking.
I look at him giving him a questioning look.
"I was hoping we can go to your place..?" He said looking down at his feet playing with his fingers.

I smiled and nodded. "Of course." I took his hand then began walking.

Jisungs pov:

I was pretty nervous to say at least.
It's just a few days ago, I hated him.
Well not hated, just no wanted to be around him.

But for some reasons I feel safe around him, he was the only person that noticed i'm uncomfortable.

And sometimes it feels like he actually cares for me, but that's not true, still hoping it would be true.

As we arrived at his place, he unlocked the door and we walked in.

I don't know what I should do since it's the first time we're this close, so I just keeped on holding his hand.

We walked in the living room, it looks so modern, his whole house looked modern.

As I looked around then he called my name.
I turn to look at him.
"Do you want to eat something?"
I was about to say yes but I remembered what the person said to me. (The one who pushed him)

I shook my head, he looked at me, I couldn't read his face.

"Are you sure? I didn't see you eat anything today." He looked at me serious.
"And why do you care? I ate this morning before going to school."
He sighed.

"Why did you want to come at my place?" He asked looking directly in my eyes.

I seriously don't know how to answer that.
I can't just tell him I'm scared cause someone is watching me and I feel safe around you, but that's what I'm about to do.

I signed.
"Promise not to laugh?" I looked at him and he nodded.
"How do I say this..I feel someone watching me and.." I paused feeling I would regret what I will say next.
"And I feel safe around you." I looked away.

But with head not focusing on him, I could still see that stupid grin.

"Oh?" He smirked but suddenly turned serious.

"Is that why you're always looking around?" He asked looking at me with soft eyes.

I nodded.
"You believe me?" I asked, because Felix and jeongin kinda didn't believe me.

He smiled and nodded, he then pulled me into a hug.

He placed his hands on my waist.
My face flushed a bright pink.
After seconds I place my arms around his neck.

"I'll always believe you." I heard him say.
"You know, you confuse me." I said looking at him with my hands on his neck.
"First you annoy me then act all caring." He smiled.
"You also confuse me." I tilled my head to the side not knowing how I'm confusing him.
"First you yell at me and push me away but then say you're safe around me."

"Well sorry.." I hide my head on his chest, since when did I become this comfortable with him?
He nodded saying it's ok.

"Do you still want to know who pushed me?"
"But you said you didn't know."
"I don't, but I think it's yuri.."

He looked confused.
"He always looks at me in math class..and he gave me a love letter? And he said something to me in gym class."

Minho nodded hugging me tightly.
"It might be him, but he doesn't look like he would hurt anyone." I nodded.

"Let's watch a movie?" He asked pulling my head from his chest smiling.
I smiled and nodded.

No one's pov:

One hour passes since the two picked out a movie to watch.
Jisung then feels his phone buzz, he pulled out his phone to see who's calling, his mother.

He picked up the call.

"Yes mom?"
"Where are you?"
"At my friend's house."
"It's kinda late, can you come home?"
"Of course, I'll be there in 10."

He ended the call turning to Minho.
"Sorry but I have to go, my mom called."
"I'll take you home, it's late." Jisung smiled hoping he would have said that.

Minho turns the tv off then took jisungs hand walking outside.

As they keep walking and talking about different things, in no time they arrived at jisungs place.
"Here have my number, if you need anything." Minho smiled giving jisung a piece of paper.

Jisung laughed.
"How long did you have this paper."
"Long enough." Jisung rolled his eyes and hugged Minho.
It took him off guard but eventually hugged back.

They waved goodbye to each other before walking in separate ways.

Jisung went into the house taking his shoes off, when he looked up he saw Lisa in front of him.

He jumped in suprise and held his hand on his chest.

"What the fuck! You scared the shit out of me!" He yelled dramatically.
Lisa rolled her eyes.
"Who was that boy?" She smirked.
"A friend." He said walking past her and going to his room.

He closed his door and went to change in something more comfortable.

After he changed he jumped on his bed feeling too tired to brush his teeth.

And in seconds he fell asleep.

Hii I hope you liked this chapter😋

I'll try to update as soon as possible🌷

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