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miyeong's pov
third person

as the sun rose over the horizon, it casted a golden hue throughout miyeong's room. it was early, around five am. the park girl was supposed to be deep in slumber right now, getting fueled up for the day to come. yet here she was, pacing around in her my melody pajamas.

anticipation seemed to follow her around with each step she took. stress casted a shadow over her head. she looked like she was going to pass out. she knew that she had nothing to worry about, yet miyeong still bit at her lip.

"what if the music stops? what if i make a mistake? what if my outfit looks bad? what if i slip? what if i hurt gunwook?" she muttered under her breath, tugging at the black strands of hair in her face. after another minute of walking around, she flopped on her bed.

dragging her hands down her face, she groaned. the sound echoed around her spacious room. she sighs, resting her arms beside her. the black-haired girl let herself lay there for a few minutes, stuck in her thoughts.

the moment of her messing up her performance running through her mind, over and over. what if nobody likes her dancing? what if she forgets the choreography? as the time ticks by, miyeong's thoughts become more negative. she rolled onto her side and pulled her legs up to her chest. wrapping her arms around her knees, she questions her abilities.

she was never one to overthink a performance. she has done more than she can count on both hands. so why was this so different? miyeong huffs, ripping her phone off the charger. pulling up the recordings of her and gunwook's dance practices, she zooms in on herself.

for the next hour, the girl laid there and critiqued every single movement. her lines weren't straight, her feet not pointed. she didn't convey enough emotions. then she panned over and watched gunwook dance, admiring the fluid motions he made. there was nothing wrong with what he did. in fact, it was perfect.

but she wasn't. and as her eyes grew heavy, her breath slowed, becoming steady. a deep sense of calm washed over her. her muscles finally relax, losing the tension they once held. eventually, her eyelids gently closed, and a soft, contented smile appears on her face. her once clenched jaw was now giving way to allow a quiet snore to exit her mouth.

and as she reaches a new level of peacefulness, all of the negative thoughts were swept away. her tired mind surrendering to the calming lull of the video emitting from her phone.

a few hours later, miyeong was awoken by the sound of her phone ringing. without looking at the contact name, she answered. "hello?" her voice groggy, sleep evident from her slurred greeting.

"hi yeongie! i know you were up late last night, probably overthinking... so i just wanted to call you to let you know that we got this! there is nooo need to worry about it. we will have time to go over our performance backstage, so don't sweat it now. we will cross the bridge when it comes. oh- hao and hanbin are gonna come pick you up in about an hour.

karina wants you there by 12:30 so that she can make some quick adjustments to your outfit. you better eat or else i'll come shove food in your mouth." gunwook, tone happy and upbeat, rambled.

miyeong's brain took her a few seconds to process what he had said, "okay, i'll be ready by then. thank you for the encouraging words.. you know me so well..." after the last sentence she let out a tired giggle. she groaned as she sat up and stretched, popping her back.

gunwook scoffed, holding his phone closer to his mouth. "of course i know my wonderful, capable, strong, loving girlfriend!!!" he sassed, tone mocking. he talked as if he was talking to a toddler.

"yah, i'm older than you. fucking hoodlums, these days..." miyeong muttered, getting out of bed and scratching her head. she headed over to her mirror, assessing her hair situation. "woah.. i look like i got mauled by a bear."

her boyfriend laughed, turning on his camera and propping it on his desk. the once dark screen lit up to show him sitting in his chair, with a gaming headset draped on his neck. "what are you playing??" the girl asked, heading towards her kitchen with the intent of having cereal.

"call of duty. oh fuck you, you fucking camper!!!" a bunch of keyboard noises followed his sentence. it gave a nice background noise as miyeong moved about. "how can you hear??"

"i can't. i'd rather listen to you-" gunwook smiled, leaning towards his phone. the park girl laughed loudly, taking a few screenshots of his face. he looked so cute, his face all up in the camera.

the two kids talked away as the morning left. several conversations later, miyeong was ready to head out the door. she didn't change out of her pajamas since she was just going to change once she got there.

all she really did was brush her hair and teeth again, and wash her face. she had showered the night before because she was up late practicing.

miyeong had finally gotten a text from hao saying "get your ugly straight ass outside or istg." with the period too, he was sassy with it.

once arriving at the school, people from the fashion department immediately swept her away to begin her "glow up process" as karina called it. which miyeong scoffed, replying "but i'm already hot??"

the time it took her to have her hair and makeup done, and change into her outfit was about two hours.

what did miyeong do to pass the time you might ask? she played genshin with felix and facetimed all of her girlies. some of them were extremely nervous, while others had done things similar before, so they were calm.

after another hour of preparing the stage, it was finally time to begin. since gunyeong was one of the first performances to go, they were currently backstage.

miyeong was pacing extremely fast, she would put sonic to shame. gunwook was trying to calm her down while also trying not to shit himself in nervousness.

"miyeong, gunwook, you're up in two acts." some one from the stage crew informed, quickly moving towards each group. the girl's breath quickened, now you could physically hear her freaking out. if you saw that one episode of spongebob where he didn't have any water, that's what she sounded like...

gunwook pulled her into a hug and started whispering affirmations in her ear. "you are smart. you are strong. you are brave. you've got this. now what are you?"

he did this a lot when she started having panic attacks at dance practice. he would say the same three things and make her repeat them until she calmed down.

"i am smart. i am strong. i am brave. i got this. i am smart. i am strong...." miyeong muttered it until her breathing and thoughts slowed down. she wiped her hands on her shorts, ridding them of any sweat. "...i got this." gunwook nodded with a lovesick grin on his face.

"gunwook and miyeong are on in thirty seconds.. please be ready to go on when we say 'go'!" the stage crew said kindly. the two dancers stationed themselves right behind the curtain. "go!"

they walked onto the stage with confidence. "now performing are park miyeong from the dance and art department, alongside park gunwook of the dance department." tagyun announced to the audience. as he was speaking the lights overhead began to dim.

the music started and the two had danced the way they had never danced before. not a single mistake to be seen.

hitting their ending pose, gunwook dipping miyeong with her hand placed on his chest, the audience erupted into cheers. over the students, they had heard their friends loud and clear. "KISS! KISS! KISS!" the duo laughed and looked at each other. the girl shrugged and pulled the boy into a kiss by his shirt.

if it was even possible, the cheering got louder. it was deafening, echoing throughout the halls of cheonlim university. pulling apart, the two dance partners smiled at each other with tears in their eyes. "we are smart. we are strong. we are brave. we fucking did it!!!" they whispered at the same time.

gunwook grabbed miyeong's hand and together, the couple bowed, completing their dance performance on a hot summer evening.

the end.

and thats a wrap on this project.
look out for any bonus chapters!!!
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i love you guys, thank you for reading hot summer

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