The best present in the world (PART-2) by xxx

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As she stared outside ... she saw someone walking. The figure was walking slowly. It was a woman. A very tall and slender woman. But she couldn't see her face properly as her hair was covering her face like a curtain. As the woman walked and walked and walked she finally stopped infront of y/n's house front gate. Y/n ran downstairs. She then went to the front door. Y/n stood on her heels to look at the peephole. She saw the woman standing at the gate. But all of sudden...the woman who was standing infront of the main gate  was now standing infront of the peephole showing her ugly creepy face. Y/n screamed and she fell backwards. She rushed to her room and locked the door. She was shivering with fear. Her heart almost came out her mouth.If you were in that room with her, you could literally hear her heartbeat . The lights in her home started flickering again . Y/n closed her eyes. "I WISH THIS ENDS" she yelled. But instead of the lights going out this time this time the lights were there. The power was on now. Y/n felt relieved. She quickly dialed up her Mom.

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