Part 1

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"Fuck, you better stay in that position while looking at me baby. You feel so good. I can't get enough of you "
Eren looks at me, his eyes rolling back as our bodies collide against one another. He pulls back on my hair, I need him to pull harder.

I slightly whimper his name.

"Eren" a moan escapes my lips. I feel my breath getting hot and heavy. "Fuck me"
"I'm not even all the way in yet, you sure you can take it? Use your words my love, I want to be able to hear you clearly. Make sure my entire street is able to tell who's pleasing you this good"

I'm too dazed you even answer him, I feel one of his hands glide over the back of my throat, my other on my thigh. His touch, I can't get enough.

How do I even explain how we got here? ....

Eren goes to the school I recently enrolled in, we're in the same classes but I can't say I ever properly noticed him.
He was always kinda just...there. From past interactions with him, he was nice to talk to but I never really got to know him.
As if I had a reason to.
He was the kinda clumsy but outspoken person, he always seemed to make sure his opinions were known and when I tell you this boy was smart. I'm not even lying. We love a smart man over here, like it's attractive asf. Get that bagggg!
He's literally one of the smartest in the class. It kinda annoyed me because he seemed to get the hang of things so quickly, something I could only dream of.
Now I'm not gonna say I'm popular in my year group, but I definitely was well known. What can I say, I have an outgoing personality, I talk to basically everyone because ....why not?!
I feel like everyone needs a me in their lives like come on now.
My best friends are Sasha (my lil ray of sunshine), Connie and Jean. They just know how to make my day whenever and wherever, they're like family to me and I wouldn't replace them for the world.
I've lived in England my whole life, but I loved to travel. One time I went to Spain and coincidentally, that's where I met Sasha- I didn't realise that she and I would meet later that school year but we clicked instantly- she was like the sister I never had.
In university, I found it hard to open up at the start, because well...I didn't know these people, but after a swift scan around the room, mine and Sasha's eyes locked. I squealed and jumped in excitement. We both ran to hug each other. I couldn't have been happier.
"HEY GIRLLLL, I MISSED YOU! How you been babyyyy!" I said
Sasha replied " We're literally soulmates, no one can tell me any different! I'm okayyyy, I was just wondering when I'd meet you again and you just appeared in front of my eyes. Aren't I lucky?!"
We hug for what felt like eternity then two guys just kinda appear behind Sasha. I was a little startled.
"OH SASHAAAAA, who is she?" Some pretty tall guy with a lil goatee says casually while looking me up and down with a smile on his face.
"Sash, you have fine ass friends mannnn, please introduce me to her please please pleaseee." Says the other guy. They've yet to introduce themselves to me so I kinda just stand there while they look at me like I'm a fresh fish outta water.
Sasha looks at me for assurance before introducing me to them and I nod. "So my friend Tiana. She kinda just transferred here so please don't be weird. I don't her to be scared off by you weirdos. Tiana, this is Connie and the one tbat looks like a horse is called Jean." Connie and Sasha smirk before screaming "HAHAHAHA HORSEFACE!"
"Don't embarrass me in front of the lady please." Jean says with a wistful expression.
I check the time, it's 8:30, and I know class starts in 15 minutes but I have no idea where I'm going.
Sash replies "wait can I get a snack first, I'm kinda hungryyyyy."
"Babes I'll come with you, I'm so lost... but don't we have class soon, you gotta show me where I'm going?" I say
Jean swiftly interrupts and says " we've got the same class, you can roll with us shawty."
I mentally gag at those words but follow him anyway.
"See you soon Sash, don't be lateee" I call to her as we start walking our separate ways.
I was kinda proud of my fit today and I guess everyone else liked it too, they all seems to notice me and most smiled when I caught their attention.
"Damn seems like someone's popular already."Connie laughs.
We continue walking but it seemed like someone else was in a rush because he's lowkey sprinting through the hallway and by the time he reached us...BANG. He fell right into me.
He scrambles to get up, picking my things along with me.
"I'm so sorry, here you go." Mystery man sprints off again.
Connie's trying not to laugh but he's absolutely hysterical and the moment he and Jean locked eyes, they both erupted into a fit of laughter.
"Thanks guys." I say
Jean smirks "oh you are SO welcome."
Who was that though, he was so fineeee. He seemed to be about 6 ft, and his hair was in a lil messy bun. His eyes were ocean green, I could get myself lost in them fr, AND HE SMELT SO GOOD.
I find myself thinking about him till we find our seats in the lecture room. Sash catches up a little later and walks in after attendance was called.
It's the start of the school year so our lecturer introduces himself as Mr Erwin Smith, with a preference to either be called Mr Smith or just Erwin, if you felt comfortable enough to.
"Girl, who was the guy you said you ran into again? Green eyes and messy bun?" Sasha says.
I nod. "BABY GIRL THAT WAS EREN. EREN YEAGER. He has some striking looks for sureee. He's extremely popular round here."
"Popular," Jean scoffs, "I'm more popular than that dickhead, he's such a nerd honestly. Idk what girls see in that."
As if directly on cue, Eren rushes through the doors and sits in the seat in front of me. And so I tap him on the shoulder. He turns around.
"Oh? Hey sorry for bumping into you earlier, I was in a little bit of a rush." He says.
"It's all good" I say, I can already feel myself cheesing- girlllll already??
"No I have to repay you for that, are you free after school?" Eren says. I nod so fast I could have definitely given myself whiplash.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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