•CHAPTER 3- The Conversations: Y/N •

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CHAPTER 3: The Conversations: Y/N

Y/F: Ahh actually .........(looks and Y/M and tries his best to speak further) He wants Taehyung to get married to you.....


Y/F: Princess please listen to the whole thing.

Y/N: H-How can you Appa??

Y/F: Ynah listen, I haven't fixed it. actually the thing....(then he tells her about Taehyung's breakup and many more thing)

Y/N: So Appa what should I do if his Ex broke up with him? It's not my fault. Appa look I am not going to marry him at any cost. There are so many girls in this world who are much better than me and who can actually improve his life then why only me??

Y/F: Ynah please child... I never asked you for anything. This is the first time I am asking you. Can't you give me this?

Y/N: Except this ask me anything Appa... I will give you.

Y/M: Y/N what's the problem in marrying someone? Taehyung is such a gentleman he will keep you happy.

Y/N: I won't be h-happy with h-him.

Y/F: Child please....

A tear roll down from Y/N's eyes

 Y/N:  Appa from childhood I have seen Taehyung as my brother and how can u expect me to marry him?

Y/F: We can change things Y/N.

Y/N: But I can't Appa.

Y/M: We can Y/N.

Y/N(crying): Why aren't you guys trying to understand my feelings?? without even asking me           y-you said YES.

Y/F: I haven't said YES till now Y/N.

Y/N: I thought you both understand me so well but I-I was wrong. (with that she runs towards her room  and locks her door)

Y/F: Y/N....Y/N Please listen to US.

Y/F(sighs): Ik this will happen that's why I was scared to ask her about this.

Y/M: She is a grown-up girl but still sometimes she behaves like a kid. I think we should give her some time. she will understand.

Y/F: Yes you are right... let's leave her alone for some time.. after all, it's her decision... we can't force her.


Y/N wiped her tears and said

Y/N: Why are Appa and Eomma forcing me to marry someone I already told them that I don't wanna be under someone's control then also. I can live my life independently. I don't actually need any support from a boy. I don't want to leave Appa and Eomma and go to another house and about that Taehyung what should I do if his Ex cheated him, and he can't bear this pain? Why did Uncle Kim choose me? There are so many other girls why meeee??? Waeeeee??????

She was talking to herself when her phone buzzed. She checked the caller ID and it was a face time with her Best Friends 'Ryu❤️' and 'Lixie🥴'


Ryujin and Felix: Heyyy!!!!😎

Y/N: H-hi

Ryujin: Hey Y/N did u cry??

Y/N:(No reply)

Felix: Hey Ynie are you ok?

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