8~ Hide & Seek

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Note ~ I respect all religions including mine so no hate for any religion.

You can see my stories, I am not in favour of any religion, I worship all gods as mine, so don't want any bashing here.


Yana's POV,

'Pray That I didn't catch you.'

I walked aimlessly in the crowd of thousands of devotees of Mauli, Everyone chanting the name of Lord Vithhala.

It was drizzling but they couldn't care after all the immense Love, and respect they had for their idol was too pure to make them care about it.

I noticed a little boy freezing in that cold atmosphere and hastily removed his blazer from my body before wrapping it around that little buddy.

The warmth I was feeling earlier vanished and the cold breeze surrounded me.

"Take care beta."

I told that little boy and started to walk near Palkhi of Saint Tukaram looking at the burning lamp and trying to seek a little bit of warmth.

I wrapped my saree around my body almost covering my head and my arms but it failed to keep me warm.

I didn't know where I was gonna go but I was sure if he caught me he would kill my brother.

So I decided to go to Pandharpur A best opportunity to hide, there would be thousands of devotees because of Aashadhi Ekadashi, and it would be hard for him to find me in the crowd of people, I hope.

"I don't see any shadow for me other than you Mauli, You will be the father of the world, but we call you Our Mauli, Our mother Dont disappoint your child, I am just seeking your blessing, there is no hope for me other than you."

I don't trust that man, not with my brother, not with me, not with my sons.

I regret leaving my Ayaan with him, I just want to slap myself hard for being selfish, what type of mother I am who left her baby trusting a woman who was nothing but a victim herself?

Aehraan's face flashed in front of me, my baby never slept without me, he would be crying by now and I am here all suffering and making him, my Ayaan, and my brother suffer because of the man I loved.

The only sin I committed was loving their psychopathic father, but I learned I shouldn't have loved him still why this past is not leaving my present?

The silent tears flowed out of my eyes as the barrier of that fake bravery fell making me surrender to my miseries.

Of course, it was fake, I was shattered inside to get up, the man whom I loved just turned out to be a nightmare for me what you can expect from me?


My lips wobbled as I asked that question to my God.

I didn't do any wrong to anyone then why are you punishing me like this?

Is it fair of you to punish me without my fault, Don't you feel pity for me?

First, you made me fall for that man, you made me give my son away, You let me break.

Now, what do you want from me?

I am tired, I never breathed with relief in these four years, how can I? when a half piece of my heart, my son, My Ayaan wasn't near me?

You too are the mother of thousands of children why aren't you understanding my pain?

Tears dripped down my eyes as I walked chanting Mauli under my lips.

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