Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

                  SLOWLY THE DAYS DRAGGED ON and soon it was the middle of the month already. The rural town of Nasarawa which bustled with marketers was beginning to dwindle down with business as the season's holiday approached.

It was a chilly Saturday morning. A cock crowed somewhere in the distance. The fog accumulating above the powder blue sky hid the splash of vibrant red and orange the early morning sun painted. Birds hidden in nests on unmoving trees chirped cheerfully as they welcomed another day.

Hassan Dahiru turned on his prayer mat under the veranda of his house where he occasionally led his family in prayer to stare at the five women he held dear.

All dressed in flowing khimar and dresses, Hassan couldn't see himself without them. Different as they were in character and vices, they all still had a similar strength in them.

The past few days had been challenging to say the least with his eldest daughter's broken engagement. His wife, Rashidah although having not liked her daughter's choice had confronted the other party. Bitter words had been shared.

Although she had been quiet, Hassan knew Fatiha more than he knew his other daughters. A reserved and calm Fatiha meant she was putting up a front so her parents and sisters wouldn't look at her with pity.

Hassan glanced around the open arched space at his family and asked for Nafeesah to be woken up. "Asalamualaikum," he greeted.

A chorus of sluggish responses filled the still air as the women answered.

"Auntie Halimah asked Fatiha to accompany her to Abuja." Hassan shot straight to the point as he looked to his eldest daughter for a reaction. When he got none, he went on. "Your mother and I have decided that it would be best to take a break after everything that has happened."

Fatiha turned to her mother. "Zarah and I were planning on writing the Ramadan list today. I cannot go. Nafeesah should go instead." She reasoned.

Her mother shook her head. "No. You will go." She stated firmly. "Go and refresh yourself. Forget about what has happened and when you come back for Ramadan you have thirty days to ask Allah for whatever you want. I will not disturb you until after Eid."

Fatiha shouldn't be stunned. Ever since her engagement had been broken, she had seen a side of her mother she'd never known existed. When she had found out Faisal had broken his engagement with her to marry a paternal cousin of hers, her mother had gone to Abuja that very day to call the family out.

That was five days ago and the only day Fatiha had cried after Faisal had broken up with her.

"I will handle the list with your sisters. Pack your things today. You'll be leaving tomorrow." Her mother told her.

"I'm fine." Fatiha protested much to her mother's reprove. "Instead of seating somewhere and doing nothing, I would rather stay here and work. At least I won't think of him if I'm busy."

The silence that followed Fatiha's declaration lasted a full minute before she realized what she'd said. She began to say something at the same time as her father did.

"Everything that happens in life happens for a reason. It is qadr," he interjected. "Your family, friends, colleagues, spouses and even your children have been predestined for you. This is what most people know but what they don't know or rather understand is that we are given the privilege of asking for who we want in our lives through prayers. Do not worry about one failed prospect when Allah has promised you a better one. Faisal was a test and only Allah subhana wa ta'ala knows whether you passed it or not. When you change your mind, you can tell me."

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