Esteban's Party (part 1)

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Luka's POV:

It was finally time. Tomorrow is Esteban's big birthday party.

I let him throw it at one of my dads six houses. The reason I did this was to get him in trouble because he thinks he's a Colucci, he's only found out recently he's my half brother and he's already taking the title of our family name. The plan is to get him drunk as fuck and ring my dad so he shows up to the house and sees that Esteban threw the party and got drunk so that my father won't spoil him.

I'm sitting in my dorm room with Dixon and Esteban as I hear a knock on the door.

"Answer the door Luka", Esteban says.

"Don't tell me what to do." I say.

Dixon sighs and gets up to answer the door.

He opens it and I can't see who it is but Dixon sounds confused.

"Uh what's all this?" He says.

"Can we please have a word with Luka?" The stranger asks.

And then it finally clicks in my head. It's the bodyguards my dad hired to 'protect me'.

Before Dixon says anything I go to the door.

"Ok, ok both of you step outta the door way." I say as I leave the dorm room as the two bodyguards step back while I shut the dorm room door.

"Jesus, I didn't know my dad would actually hire you guys." I say to the two buff males.

"We have to follow your dads orders Luka. My name is Jose, and this is Diego." The first bodyguard says as he also points at 'Diego'.

"Well as much as a pleasure it is to meet you both, I don't need bodyguards." I say with confidence as I make my way back inside the dorm room but they put their hands on my right shoulder and ask me to stop.

"Luka, we have to obey your dads orders. We won't be with you all the time, here's how it will go; we will stand outside at either side of your dorm room door when you are in your room. When you exit your room, we will follow you. When you are in class we will stand outside the classroom at either side of the door. If you need to leave the school to go somewhere we will escort you to wherever you want to go in our car." Diego says as Jose nods his head.

"What the actual fuck. Wait so I don't actually get any privacy at all?" I ask with an angry tone.

"I can assure you that you will get privacy Luka. When you are in your room, and when in class." Jose says.

"Yeah, right... 'privacy'", I say sarcastically.

"I'm sorry Luka but it's your fathers orders and it's our job to follow his orders." Diego says.

"Yeah I know, i know, it's not your fault, it's my asshole of a dad's fault.' I say annoyed.

"He's only trying to protect you Luka." Jose says.

"Bullshit. Alright I'm going into my room." I say as I open the dorm room door and shut it behind me.

Dixon is sitting on his bed with his head up, curious as always. While Esteban has his headphones in so he wasn't even paying attention.

"So, tell me what all that was about." Dixon says.

"My dad hiring me full time bodyguards because he can't trust me apparently." I say.

"Damn. Good luck with that" Dixon says.

"Gee thanks" I say sarcastically.

How on earth is my plan going to work now? How am I going to manage throwing this party for Esteban and getting him in trouble? I hope these 'bodyguards' won't affect my plan.

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