Teuvo Teräväinen

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You and (y/f/n) are going to the Blackhawks game to celebrate your birthday. You guys got their during warm ups and Teuvo kept skating towards where you were sitting. "Maybe he saw my jersey" you thought. The game soon started. You and (y/f/n) couldn't believe how fast the game went. The Blackhawks won against the Ducks 7-1. You and (y/f/n) decided to go out to celebrate. You guys decided to go to a bar that was close to United Center. You went to the bar and sat down. As soon as you say down the Blackhawks walked in. Teuvo made eye contact with you and walked over to you. "Hey can I buy a beautiful lady a drink?",He asks you. "Sure", you say while smiling. You two spend the rest of the night talking. You bring up that's it's your birthday. "It's mine too",he screams. It turns out you were both turning 21. He insists that you two do a celebratory shot. After you two do that he asks if you want to leave. "Sure",you say. He takes you to the park. "I thought this would be a nicer place to get to know about you.",he says. You told him how you have liked that Blackhawks since you were little. "You are my favorite player.", you tell him. " I guessed that because every time I skated past you, you screamed my name really loud",he said while laughing. "Yeah.",you said while blushing. "So do you wanna kiss me?", You asked as a joke. "Yes I actually do.", he said as he leaned in to kiss you. It was a soft gentle kiss that seemed to last forever. "So would you possibly want to go on a date?",he asks. "Of course I would!",you say. "How about this Friday.", he asks. "That works for me, what are we gonna do?", You ask. "It's a surprise" , he says. "How about I give you my number.",you say. He gives you a piece of paper and you write your number down. "I think we should head back.", he says. Once you get back you tell (y/f/n) what happened. You guys decided to leave so you tell Teuvo that you are leaving and that you will see him Friday. "I can't wait.",he says while smiling. You agree with him then go home to get your beauty sleep.

Sorry it's so short😁
For @finnishcold

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