Cursed by Fate

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Final Evolution of the week, and Bora was up against the goddess of love. A warrior, a true master of her craft, yet, Bora still won.

It wasn't an easy battle, Bora didn't even use her sword. But she still won, and she felt great. At least, until the professor pulled her aside when evolution was over.

"You need to let go of whatever emotion is blocking your demon side. You might have won, but you're losing your flame and as the future Demon Queen and Demon of War, it will only hurt you in the end." He told her.

"I'm not losing my flame. You saw me." Bora gestured to the stadium. She wasn't losing her flame.

"Your flame has weakened. I don't know what has changed, but you need to snap out of it. The Headmaster noticed this change yesterday when he came to monitor your progress. He suspects distraction. And I will say I have to agree. Please focus on yourself, and no one else." He gave her a stern look before looking down at his clipboard, reading over what Bora assumed were all of the students' progress over the week.

If Bora were anyone else, she would think the professor has it out for her. Why was he always pulling her aside to tell her she needs to focus? She was focused, and she wasn't losing her flame, purgatory flame was in her blood. It couldn't just burn out, and she wasn't distracted. If anything, she felt better than ever.

On her way out into the hall, Yubin pulled her aside.

Bora smiles to herself, pushing the goddess to a darker corner of the halls to steal a kiss, pulling her close.

"Have a good day?" She asked as soon as she pulled away, keeping her hands on Yubin's hips.

Yubin's smile faded a bit. "It was okay.." she replied quietly, eyes drifting down.

Bora frowned slightly. "What's wrong?" The demon questioned, studying Yubin's face.

"Ancestral History bummed me out, is all.." the goddess said.

Bora thought for a moment, she didn't want Yubin to be sad, especially about the whole fate thing. "Let's go somewhere then. Maybe the city?" She suggested, tilting her head to try and see Yubin's face better.

Yubin's eyes lifted from the floor to Bora's and she smiled, nodding at the idea.

In the city, Bora and Yubin walk the streets, fingers interlocked at their side. They strole around until they come across a shop called "true love."

Bora stops and Yubin does the same. "What's this?" Bora points to the sign above the wooden door, and Yubin looks at it over Bora's head.

"I don't know. Did you want to go inside?" Yubin asked. The demon nods and pulls Yubin along towards the door.

The shop was small, dim and crowded. It looked like some kind of antique shop, but upon further inspection, everything there was some kind of potion.

Bora held Yubin's hand a bit tighter. The energy in the shop was off.

Yubin stopped in front of a glass shelf, and picked up a book beside it on a table. Bora picked up a small glass bottle with a weird serum inside.

"Obsessive love." Bora reads. "...It's a curse." She states, staring at the bottle label.

Yubin flips through the book. "This curse is frightening, it curses people into obedience." She tilted the book in Bora's direction and the demon looked at the page, resting her chin on Yubin's shoulder.

"In this legend, a greedy king forced the woman he loved into loving him back, and she practically lived at the foot of his throne." Yubin read.

Bora thought, then looked at Yubin. "What does that mean?"

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