
64 3 2

Word count: 9.3k+

Pairing: Sam x Female Reader

Warnings: Language, Smut, Fluff, Drinking.

You click the bright pink 'Book' button on your screen, sealing your fate for the weekend. Tucked away in the mountains of Gatlinburg, a tiny one bedroom cabin awaits you for a weekend of relaxing and recharging. You had wanted to do this for a few weeks, but work always got in the way, making you push it back another week. When Wednesday rolled along and your boss hadn't mentioned any big projects for the rest of the week, you took your chance. You booked the cabin and counted down the minutes until Friday.

You packed everything you thought you might want or need, tossing the suitcase in the back of your car, where it sat until the clock struck 5:00 on Friday evening. You changed in the bathroom at work, putting on more comfy clothes to drive in. It was roughly four hours to Gatlinburg from Nashville and you were looking forward to the scenic drive. You turned on your favorite music, letting it provide the soundtrack for your solo adventure.

The hours on the road seem to pass quickly, anxious energy swirling in your chest. You couldn't wait to take a bath in the luxurious tub in the peace and quiet of the mountains. You specifically chose this cabin because of it. That and it was completely tucked away from town. The nearest house miles and miles away. Your GPS read one mile left and you turned on your brights as you navigated the winding mountain roads. You saw the lights on the porch were on as you pulled into the parking space in the driveway. You opened the AirBnB app, and retrieved the entry code as you stepped out of the car.

You grab your suitcase from the trunk, hauling it up the steps to the front door. You enter the code on the electronic lock and hear it unlock, allowing you entry. A few lights are on, scattered throughout the small living room, and a note is left on the kitchen counter, thanking you for choosing their home, and to have a relaxing visit.

You roll your suitcase into the master bedroom, and are met with a fluffy and inviting queen size bed. You can smell the clean sheets as soon as you open the door, almost beckoning to you to slide in. But no. You have had one thing on your mind the whole drive, and you were ready.

You walked into the bathroom, and turned on the lights before walking over to the large white tub, turning the lever. You run your hand under the water as you feel for it to come to temperature. You push the drain stop down, and watch as it slowly begins to fill with steamy water. It was so nice to be here away from the city. Completely secluded.

You start to shed your layers, preparing to step into the tub as you hear something in the living room. You quickly shut off the water and listen to see if maybe it was just your imagination. But sure enough you hear it again. You recognize the sound. It's the electric lock on the front door. You quickly redress yourself, heart pounding as you run through scenarios in your head.

You step out of the bedroom and into the living room, your cardigan wrapped tightly around your chest as you are met with a man standing in the doorway.

His eyes flick to yours, "Oh, hi, I'm sorry. I am just now here to check in. The traffic was bad coming in." he says, rolling his suitcase through the door.

You toss him a bewildered look. "I'm sorry, I don't understand what you mean?" you reply.

He pulls his phone out of his pocket and looks at it, "I am the renter for this weekend..." he says, showing you the booking on his phone.

"No... I'm the renter..." you reply, terribly confused. "Can I see that?" you say motioning towards his phone.

He steps in further, shutting the door behind him as he hands you the phone. Sure enough it was the same cabin, but the confirmation was from a different site. The host had double booked their property.

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