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TODAY, was the same as everyday but a more windy morning, I walked across the soft grass as I felt the windy breeze flow my y/h/c hair as I walked down with no cover for my feet.

I crouch down to feel the soft grass before I looked down the river, putting my hand on to the warm water, letting the water wet my pale hand.

I stared onto my left, a unrecognized figure was seen by my eyes, my eyes narrowed and my eyebrows did as well, a confused expression on my face.

I stood up and walked a few steps, until I can fully see the features of the figure right in front of my eyes, until, it unfortunately saw me staring into its eyes then two pairs of eyes suddenly laid on my own.

I froze and tried to fix myself, swallowing as I fixed my hair, pretending to not realize the figure was even there, making me look around the trees until it spoke.

"I know you were staring." It said deeply and lowly as it walked to me.

"I-i wasn't.." I lied, replying with a soft tone.

"Look, angel face, it's a sin to lie, right?" He smirked.

"Who.. Who are you? I haven't seen you in paradise these past few.. days. Are you new?"

"Guess you could say that." He replied, the same sly smirk on his face.

"You just came by the judgemental day?" I mumbled and asked.

"That's right, angel face. Smart." He chuckled.

"What's your name?" I asked gently as I lifted my head to stare up at him.

"Finn, Finn Wolfhard." A new angel, who had just came by after the recent judgement day.

I nodded and he immediately brought my hand up to his lips and kissed the back of it gently. "That's not proper greeting," I murmured.

— Narrative

Finn lowered his head and chuckled, putting her gentle hands down, he tried so hard not to say, “it's what we do in Hell.” But couldn't.

This angel was different, unique and interesting all from the other angels he had seen.

An angel as a golden, gorgeous, clean, gentle as her was so unique and exquisite to him.

This angel was going to be an easy target, he thought.

"I suppose, it is I, your own personal gentleman, angel."

This angel is so fucking gorgeous and Finn can't believe what kind of sculpture he was staring at.

He knew that she was different. The way she wore her white dress like a greek goddess was making him die internally inside. Her curves were so perfect. She has the hips of Aphrodite from what he have seen. Lastly, he'd definitely noticed the openly distracting cleavage that was displaying before his eyes.

Everything, he saw everything. Everything was so majestic he had forgot what his plan was.

I'm not allowed to be like this. I'm a devil. She's an angel. Finn thought in his mind.

Do not tell me, that I'm falling in love with this.. Angel? I couldn't see why not.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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