Preparing For Designe

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At star kingdom:
Shiho pov
I can't find lori.. Lets find honami then she always somehow knows where everyone is,im sure she'll know where lori is...
Around 12minutes passed and i can't find honami nor lori.. Oh wait!
Honami is probably feeding animals right now i think that's this way ah there she is
"honami do you have a minute?"

shiho-chan? Yes i do, do you need something?"
"lori-san is supposed to go the designe soon but i can't find her,do you know where she is?"
"oh,i think i saw her go in the garden"
"okay thanks see you later"
"your welcome,bye! Stay safe!"
So lori is in the garden? Oh right she likes the flowers there...
"lori-san are you ready for the designe?"
"ah, shiho-san i am ready"
"okay good stay safe while going there"
"also do you know where hanano is?"
"she went before me, and i will thanks,oh look at the time i need to go there now,bye you stay safe too!"
"ah alright then will do,see you"
Good everything is going how it should be,i'll go and see if-oh right! I told shizuku i would be there last month...i don't really wanna go but if it means making her happy i'll go..
Rose kingdom:
Emu pov
Hmmmmmmmm! An-chan is busy.. Riho-san is helping nene-chan get ready... Its getting boring!! What could i do..
"princess emu?are you okay,you look troubled"
"souma-kun! Just who i needed!"
"you need me? For what?"
"im bored!!! Entertain me somehow!!! Please!!"
"that's- a very weird request but sure?? Hmmmmmm how about we go and dress you up with nene-san and riho-san?"
"good idea souma-kun lets go~!!"
"hehe..your so cheerful princess"
"i already told you! Don't call me princess im on the same level as everyone else"
" apologies pri-emu!
" that's better,apology accepted!"
Finally souma didn't call me princess,im no different then anyone else and that's how it should be
Now lets go find riho and nene~!
"do you know where they are??"
"i don't know exactly but probably in the makeup room"
"lets go there then~im getting excited to see nene-chan dressed up!"
"she's definitely gonna look really pretty"
"yup! Nene-chan is pretty in everything! T-shirts,dresses,shorts..and a bunch more!"
"we're heree~!"
"sorry! I couldn't hold my excitement when i saw you!!"
"I-its okay..but your hugging me too t-tight!"
"sorry nene!!"
"..That's better.."
"riho-san,are you done with nene-san yet?"
"yeah i just finished"
"can you do the same for emu then?"
"nene-chan are you okay?!? Im sorry! I'll pay more attention to what im doing next time!"
"here! Hold my hand"
"right! Sorry!!! Im seated!"
"emu could you not apologize so much for a little bit?"
"emu maybe its best if you stop holding my hand while riho is putting makeup on you"
"oh right okay"
Awh i wanted to hold her hand for a little longer..
She held my hand again! Yay~! Her hand is so warm...
"your hand is so cold.."
"yeah that's why i need your hand to warm mine 💕"
(souma mind:gosh these two are so oblivious,always cuddling and holding hands they should just date already litterly everyone sees this as normal)
"don't move now"
5minutes later
"souma-kun what time is it"
"oh...emu i need to go to the designe now see you later?"
"awh..fine you owe me cuddles then!i'll come in a bit too,bye stay safe!"
"you'll get your cuddles when im back then bye souma-kun,riho-san"
"take care"
"don't ruin the makeup i putted or.."
"i won't!! Bye!"
"good, bye!"
Heart kingdom:
Saki pov
Hmmm i wonder if its mine or airi-chan's turn to goo??? I'll just ask here she's beside me anyway
"is it mine or your turn to go to the designe?? I got it mixed-TnT"
"Its your turn but im going instead!"
"eh?!?! Why!! I wanna go!!"
"i already asked dad and he let me because im gonna meet with shizuku"
"ughhh why can't we just both goo!!!"
"..... I never thought of that"
"wait??? We can??"
"i forgot about that... We both can go-"
"im sorry!!! It didn't go through my mind at all-!"
"im going to get dressed then bye! You big meanie."
"im sorry- stay safe"
Hmph! Big sis airi can be so dumb sometimes!!
Whateverrrr i'll go find ichi now~
10minutes later
Airi pov:
..anddd!!! Its donee finally that took like forever now to send it too shizukuuu~!
Oh she replied fast!!!
Lets see..
<the reply letter>
"sure we can meet up there i'll be there at 17:00 see you"
<end of reply letter>
Pheww good i'll go right now then!
Litly kingdom:
Shizuku pov:
Okay so it would be the best if i go in about 5 minutes..
...i hope shii-chan will be there i miss her,i hope she didn't forget that i told her to come,well i can only hope she will come.
I miss airi too..i know i saw her at the last designe but still!
Oh- look at the time! Im gonna be late!!!
Kohane pov:
I hope i look pretty... I don't wanna disappoint minori-chan i told her i will be the designe model but im not so sure anymore..oh! I see shizuku leaving what time is it? Its 16:53 kinda early? She probably has a plan to meet someone or something since she doesn't like going alone but if she went early i'll go early too

Word count:999

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