Chapter four

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~Lily's POV~

I woke up to sunlight pouring through the windows. My heads throbbing. I tried rolling over the other side, but halted when my head hit something hard. As i began feeling it, to get an idea about what it is. I heard a groan. Wait what?


I jumped out of the bed. I had my clothes on from last night, thats a good thing i guess.

Adam?!? The hot nerd.

What is he doing in my room? Wait, its not my room! Oh god, I'm screwed.

So i did the first thing that came up in my mind.

I threw a pillow on his face.

He looks cute while sleeping.

"Whaa-at the hell?" He asked still sleeping.


And then something I didn't expect, happened.

He fell off the bed.


"HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA, Are you okay?" I asked, trying to hide my laughs.

Now that woke him up. As he came into his senses, his eyes went wide. And he jumped.

"Do you remember anything from last night?" As he said it, my headache shot back. And i winced.

"Ill get an asprin" he said and walked out of the room.

After what seemed like ages, he came back with two asprins, a glass of water and soup.

I gulped down the asprin. And thanked him.

"Do you remember anything from last night?" he asked again.

I tried remembering, but failed miserably.

"Nup" i answered.

"Thats good" he said, relieved.

"You don't think that I'm gonna leave you without knowing right?" I asked, smirking.

"Ugh yeah.... So last night when--" he started but was interrupted when my phone went off.

"Its Robin" i told him and picked up.

"Hello?" I said.

"LILY COME OVER TO ARIANA'S RIGHT NOW, RIGHT FUCKING NOW" she said and hung up. I sat there with confused expression. When Adam saw that he asked what happened and i told him.

"We need to go there to find out" he answered casually.


After knocking, i waited for the door to be opened. When the door opened a saw a very upset Robin.

"What in the world happened that you couldn't even talk properly?" I asked, annoyed.

"A-ariana" she stuttered

"What happened to Ariana? I asked confused.

She said nothing but pointed in the living room.

I dashed into the living room, only to see Ariana crying her eyes out.

I sat beside her and hugged her.

"What happened Ari?" I whispered.

She handed me a piece of paper. I began reading

~Dear Ariana,
I wanted to apologise for everything i did, the rumours about me were true. I hooked up with chicks while i was dating you, but then after a while, I actually started liking you. Even i loved you.
When i told the school about this, they didn't believe me. Im one of the players, remember?
You changed me Ariana. Your smile, your eyes, your lips. You. You are all I think about now.
Last night, when you saw that girl talking to me, you didn't mind. I know why. Because you trust me. You trust me right? But then that slut, forced me. She pinned me to the wall and pressed her lips against mine. It was nothing like when you kiss me, your kisses are magical. I don't think i deserve you Ana. I really don't. I told Barney to hand you the letter because I'm a big chicken. Im sorry, i love you. I hope you forgive me.

"Oh my god darling, he's a jerk" i said and hugged her again.

"I love him" she said sadly.

"I know what you need." I said, smirking.

"Huh?" She looked up at me.

"Girls day out and shopping." I replied with enthusiasm.


"I can't feel my legs" Ariana complained.

She seems much better now, i even saw her smiling genuinely at many things. After 4 hours of shopping and uncountable bags in our hands. We are walking out of the mall.

"Neither can i" Me and Robin said together.

"Personal jinx" we said together again.

"Double personal jinx" again.

"Hahahah" again.

"You guys are impossible" Ariana laughed.

"Thats why you love us" we said together again.

What the actual. Hahahahah

"Let's invite the guys for dinner." Robin said.

"Yeah, alright" i said

I called up, Ted, Barney, Adam. After telling them i asked Ariana,

"Do you me to call Ryder?"

"Yeah, I think i should talk to him" she said almost automatically.

I called up Ryder and invited him too. He sounded shocked.







I want pizzzzaaaa!!!!!

"Lets vote?" Ryder suggested.

"Good idea" Ted said.

Pizza - 3
Italian - 2
Chinese - 2

"Pizza it is" i announced.

I went over to landline, my phones dead.

Ariana followed me, and said.

"I'll talk to him after dinner"

"Yeah, its good" I replied.


"I feel fat" barney groaned.

"Same bruh, same" Ted said.

"Lets watch a movie?" Robin suggested.

Here starts the fight again.

We ended up watching, Avengers. Because guys said that the girls got to order the food. So its only fair.

I nudged Ariana, indicating that its the time to talk.


Hey lovelies! Its been just a day since i posted this story, and it already has 23 reads! Im thankful to each one of you that reads it! I just want you guys to vote and comment if you like the chapters! The chapters are boring now, it will get better in future, i promise!
Love you all x

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