Chapter 1

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As you could probably see I put a pic at the top of this chapter,thats what Wade looks like.
Im gonna put a pic about gaming on almost every chapter. Except for certain chapters were I need to put in caricter art, details of weapons and places, or just random stuff.
Best Regards:Mez DoseStuff

P.S.If the creator of the pic wants me to take it down I will.

"Wade! Wade! Son your late!" I shot up in my bed.
"Im late!" I started to get dressed.
"Im late, Im late, Im late!" I ran downstairs. Gulped down my breakfast and ran out the door yelling
"Bye mom!" Around my shoulder. I hurried towards town square. When I got there I went through a spining door, a person at the door offering me a pamphlet
"No thanks." I said showing her my badge.
"Thanks for coming to K.C.R.H.!" She said. I hurried through the lobby and walked into an elevator. I pressed the level 42. When I got there I went through a doorway labeled D.S. (Dimensional Studies)
"Professor Neon! Professor Neon!" I called.
"Hush hush! You don't have to yell. Im right back here behind triangle, and can you hand me the screwdriver?" He called. As I handed him the screwdriver I said
"Sorry im late Professor. Neon, My alarm didn't g..."
"Its alright! Its alright, I forgive you, your only 15, your forgetful, now hand me the monkey wrench." As I got up I asked
"So what you working on Prof.?"
"I'll tell you after im finished" He said.
"When'll you be done?" I asked.
"Now." He got up steped back and admired his work.
"I call it the T.S.I.'s or The Sixth Inplants.

*Sorry everybody that my my chapters on this book and on Jacks Stories have been so short, im doing all of this on my phone, not a computer so this takes longer then on the computer. But im gonna try to make the chapters longer but dont get your hopes up for long long long chapters. Thanks to every body who is reading now and please slap that vote icon and comment comment comment it always helps!*
From:Mez DoseStuff

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