Chapter 5

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When I woke up there was a numb sensation at the base of my skull, I reached up to feel my neck when a familiar voice yelled "No don't touch it! It hasen't cauterised yet!"
"Professor Neon?" I said groaning.
"Yes. It's me Wade now I put numbing cream and shots on and in your neck so the pain will be less but you'll still feel a bit." Neon said hurryingly typing something on his computer.
"How much is a bi... aaaahhhrrrrgg!" I screamed so loud I hardly heard Neon say
"Its alright, its alright. Now I have 2 Hardrives here. The green one is got all of your info on what I need to say but can't and your updating data. The blue one has your powers, your level ups, power-ups, and your digital bag. You will need these all of these to survive. I also labeled them, so you wont get confused. But if your wondering why im saying this is because I made the implant like a video game for you." The pain stoped I got up and stood ob my feet, then regretted it when the wave of Nausea hit.
"Now I wish I could explain everything but I cant, not now. Its all in the green hardrive. The implant and the hardrives have a little bubble thing shielding it from water, dirt, blood, and other things. But don't lose the hardrives if you do I put another pair in your E.G. plus another implant incase someone removes it." He explained.
"What are you talking ab..."
"No questions! If you do ask the green hardrive! Now let me power up the teleporter."
"The triangle thing!" Neon said.
I looked around and saw it.
"But thats the air conditioner!"
"No it isn't. It never was." He murmured. I saw the bodies
"What the..."
"It says it in the green hardrive!" I heard a pounding on the door.
"NYPD! OPEN UP NOW!" Someone on the other side said.
"It's ready."Neon said.
"Wait your not making me go into that are you?"
"Why?" The pounding continued.
"Go now."
"Because it will implode if you don't!" He said as we hurried to the swirling Blue vortex. Professor Neon pushed me near the vortex.
"I'll try to hold them off, you go into the vortex." The police broke through the door.
"STOP NOW!" Thay yelled.
"GO!" Neon yelled pointing a shotgun at the police. I tried to say something but nothing was coming out.
"NOW!" Neon shouted. Everything started slowing down. I saw rhe police duck behind the robots Neon and I had built last year
Neon fired his shotgun. I saw the chemicals that I had used on solid Bi-Carbinet to make liquid Bi-Carbinet get destroyed in the process.
The police fired at Neon.
I saw it go inti his chest and come out his back. I screamed
"NO!" I feel a power in my body. I put my arms out in front of me as the police turn there guns on me. Suddenly the power leaves through my arms and pushes everything through the wall to the next room including rhe police as im pushed back into the vortex.

*Author's Note*
I hope you liked the chapter! This one took a lot if work and effort so I hope you like it! If you liked Professor Neon don't worry in the next 2 chapters you'll like him ether a whole lot more or a whole lot less.
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From: Mez DoseStuff.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2015 ⏰

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