Chapter 10 | Jealousy

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Monday, January 9, 2023

I feel better after the weekend passes, which makes me happy that I can go to school and see Lydia. We meet before school starts, in the parking lot. I notice her getting out of her car, and run up to her. I didn’t notice how much I missed her until now.

“Hi, cutie,” I say, greeting her with a kiss. “Miss me?”

“Yeah.” She kisses me back.

“Did you have fun at least?”

She blushes at that for whatever reason. “Yeah. Tons.”

She must miss me too much and doesn’t want to show it. I smile at the thought. That’s so cute.

I decide to ease her impatience and caress her cheek, looking deep into her eyes. I push her against the car, kissing her fiercely. My hands move to her hair and my body presses against hers.

Almost immediately, she places her hands on my chest, and for a second, I think she’s finally giving in to her wants. But she lets go of my lips and pushes me away.

I’m confused. “What? Did I hurt you?”
“Maybe…but, you know, I'm not ready for that quite yet.”

I sigh, rolling my eyes. “You're not ready for anything.”

She puts her hands on her hips, that smart look on her face. “Well I'm sorry, I'm a Christian, and I have boundaries. Didn't I make them clear when we started dating?”

“I know, I know. I'm sorry.” I kiss her forehead, then whisper in her ear, “I love you.”

“Love you, too,” she says.

Did I make the wrong move?

I embrace her, and she hugs me back. “I’ll make it up to you,” I say, rubbing her back. “How about I take you out tonight?”

She looks up at me. “I…can’t.”

I tilt my head. She never rejects a date. “Why not?”

“I have a science project to work on. I’m going over to K–my partner’s house.”
I sigh. “It’s Kenry, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, but that doesn’t matter, right?”

“Why him? Why not your best friend?”

“We didn’t get to pick. Mrs. Conmigo switched our seats and chose our partners for us.”

Feelings of rage and jealousy burn through my veins, but I push them down. “Ask your teacher if you can switch your partner.”

She seems upset by that. “What? Why? We’re completely fine.”

“I don’t care. I won’t let him do the same thing he did to me last year.” I shake my head, not wanting to remember how much hurt I felt back then.

Her face turns to confusion. “What happened last year?”

“It doesn’t matter. Just do whatever you can to switch your partner.” I kiss her hair and walk away.

I settle down by the time my first class starts, but the thought of Kenry being with Lydia doesn't leave my mind. She’d better change her partner.


Is Tyler jealous?

       I don't know, he seemed kind of mad at the mention of Kenry being my partner.

       I meet up with him at lunch to apologize. I see him next to his car, chatting with his friends. I go up to him and excuse myself.

“Excuse me, but could I borrow Tyler for a sec?” I say.

I pull him away, where no one can see us.

“What is it?” Tyler says.

“I'm sorry for earlier. You seemed mad.”

“I was,” he says. “I'm just looking out for you, Lydia. I actually used to be friends with Kenry…then he betrayed me…and I just don't want you to get hurt.”

I laugh. “Really? You? And him? Friends?”

He blushes. “I needed to get my grades up. And…he might seem nice at first, but then he turns against you without warning.”

I nod, trying to believe it. “Well, it's still a no to the date. I can't change my partner, so…”

I lie because I already know I can't. Mrs. Conmigo is strict with that kind of stuff. And… maybe I like working on the project with Kenry…?

“Really?” Tyler says. “I've gotta have a talk with your teacher–” He starts walking towards the building, but I stop him.

“Are you jealous?” I ask.

He looks at me. “Well…maybe a little. Any guy in my position would be. But as I said, I just don't want my girlfriend to get hurt.”

I smile. “Okay. But you don't have to talk to my teacher. I'll be fine. I promise.”

He sighs. “Okay.” He hugs me tightly. “You know I love you, right?”

I hug him back. “I know. I love you, too.”


I meet up with Kenry after school.
“You ready to go?” He asks.

“Yeah,” I say, smiling, ready to get in his car, completely forgetting mine is across the parking lot.

I hear a car coming towards us, only to turn around and find that it’s Tyler.

Why do I suddenly dread him and Kenry meeting?

Maybe it’s just because they already don’t like each other and I don’t want to watch that.

Yeah, that’s it.

Tyler rolls down the window, looking right at me. I realize I’m holding onto the passenger door handle and immediately let go. “Lydia!” Tyler shouts. “Come into my car. I’ll drive you there.” He gives Kenry a dirty look.

I stand there in silence, not knowing what to say. I open my mouth but then close it again. Words have left me. Why do I all of a sudden want to ride with Kenry?

I look to Kenry for help. He looks shy and out of his comfort zone.

He finally says. “It’s okay, Lydia. You can ride with your boyfriend. I’ll meet you there.”

Only because I don’t want to create any conflict, I nod and walk over to the passenger side of Tyler’s car. He unlocks it and I get in. Tyler waits for Kenry to pull out and lead the way to his house, and Tyler follows him.

The ride is mostly silent, except for the music playing in the background. Tyler offers his hand, and I take it, lacing my fingers between his.

“Your hand is soft,” Tyler compliments, which makes me blush a little. He looks at me. “Aww, you’re blushing.”

I laugh.

“You know, I’m still kind of disappointed that you had to be partnered with Kenry.”

“You’re jealous,” I tease playfully.

“Like I said earlier, I don’t want you getting hurt. Just…be careful, okay?”

I nod. “I still think you’re jealous though.”

I look up and notice we are here already. I recognize the neighborhood from Friday.

I feel a sudden wave of excitement.
I open the door, ready to get out.

“Hey,” Tyler says. “Lyd, here.” I look back and he's taking his jacket off. “I noticed you didn't have a jacket today.”

He hands it to me and I take it. “Thanks,” I say.

“I love you.” Tyler leans over and kisses me.

I smile. “I love you too.”

This chapter is longer! Yay!
Also Tyler is kinda protective... 😅😂

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