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Queen Elizabeth the Ⅲ sat on her daughter's bed in tears. The king was in the doorway to watch his poor wife tell the princess the news.

"A little privacy my dear? " Elizabeth asked.

"Of course darling." The king left, shutting the door behind him. Once the door was fully closed the queen stopped crying. She handed her daughter a journal. A black leather book with dry blood in miscellaneous places. The queen's soft, tearful gaze turned into a hard stare.

"Emberlynn, I entrust this journal to you. After my death you may not show this to ANYONE. This little journal has everything you need to know about who is after me and what is going to happen. Read it very carefully. Don't trust anyone either. Now when I leave this room don't talk to your father. Jump out that window and run as far away as possible. There are supplies in a sack in the closet. Be safe."

Emberlynn was confused and scared. She hugged her mother tightly. She grabbed the sack and put it by the window.

"I love you Emberlynn. Stay safe my darling."

"Goodbye mother. You'll always be with me." Emberlynn responded as Queen Elizabeth walked away. Emberlynn wiped a tear before she saw her father open her door. She remembered what her mother said and quickly ran to the window.

"Ember. Back away from the window dear." King Rubert demands as he enters the room.

"Goodbye father." Emberlynn grabs the bag and jumps out the window. Her dress flowed in the air as she fell towards the ground. Her mother's personal guard, Edward, caught her.

"Be careful, fair Princess. A horse is prepared for you."

"Thank you Edward. Mother trusted you very, very much." Emberlynn ran to her horse.

"GUARDS!!!!" King Rubert yelled. He was livid. Emberlynn quickly took off as the guards ran out of the castle. Emberlynn whipped the ropes of her horse in hopes to outrun the royal guard.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2023 ⏰

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