19. buckbeaks death

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THE CORE FOUR WERE all walking to hagrids hut when they saw a man wearing a black mask on his face and only his mouth and eyes were visible. It appeared he was wiping this axe. Hermione and Rosalie were furious.

Hermione was stoning off taking quick strides. "i can't believe they're going to kill buckbeak. it's just too horrible." They turned a corner to see draco and his minions.

"It just got worse" Ron gulped eyeing draco. Rosalie rolled her eyes and the sight of it all.

"what did i say? father said i can keep the hippogriff's head. i'll donate it to the gryffindor room" Draco joked with his friends.

Hermione stormed down with Rosalie beside her. "look who's here, ahh come to see the show?" Draco smiled and laughed.

"you! you foul, lothsone evil little cockroach!" Hermione put her wand to dracos neck.

"hermione, no!" Ron shouted. "he's not worth it." Draco seemed to be 'sobbing' rosalie knew it was a bunch of bull.

"oh draco please get some tissues, your crying will cause a river some day." Rosalie rolled her eyes. Hermione slowly lowered her wand and began to walk away until draco began laughing again and she turned around and punched him straight in the face. Rosalie covered her hand with her mouth as her face dropped in shock. And with that rosalie kicked him straight where it would hurt.

Draco cried out in pain and his friends held his arms so he wouldn't fall down. "not a word to anyone." Draco whispered to his friends as they ran off.

Hermione watched them leave and she began to laugh. "that felt good."

"amazing." Rosalie laughed.

"not good, not amazing, brilliant!" Ron looked at hermonie in awe. Rosalie always saw how he looked at her. it was as if she was the only girl in the room.

When they all arrived at hagrids they were taking in the last moment they would have with buckbeak. "look at him, loves the smell of the tress when the wind blows thought them." Hagrid looked at him with tears in his eyes.

"hagrid i'm so sorry i couldn't do anything" Rosalie admired buckbeak.

"It's ok rosie, there isn't much more anyone can do" Hagrid replied with a light smile.

"why don't we just set him free?" Harry asked.

"they'd know it was me, and then dumbledore would get into trouble. he's coming down, you know dumbledore. says he wants to be with me when they..." Hagrid couldn't finish his sentence. "when it happens" He looked down and couldn't bring himself to say those words.

"he's a great man dumbledore." Hagrid turned around to speak to everyone sitting by his table.

"we'll stay with you too." Hermione got up from her chair.

"you'll do no such thing! think i want you seeing something like that? no. Just drink your tea and be off. oh. before you go, ron" Hagrid turned around and got a rat out of this compartment.

"scabbers! you're alive!" Ron took scabbers from hagrid.

"keep a closer eye on your pet." Hagrid warned.

Hermione took a step closer to ron. "i think that means you owe someone an apology" She stood up straight waiting for an apology.

"right. next time i see crookshanks, i'll let him know." Ron nodded his head and smile at her, holding the rat tightly.

"I meant me!" Hermione raised her voice and before she could protest anymore something broke behind her.

"Bloody hell, what was that?" rosalie looked behind her.

"ow!" Harry touched the back of his head. It appeared something was thrown at him. He looked out the window and saw dumb flier with the minister and the killer on his way to hagrids but.

"oh crickey, it's late. it's nearly dark, you shouldn't be here." He walked to get his bag. "somone sees you outside this time of night you'll be in trouble. Particularly you, harry." Hagrid pointed. He heard a knock on the door. "with you in a moment." Hagrid shouted from the other end of the door.

"quick quick" Hagrid wiped the air with his hands indicating for them to leave through the back.

They all waited for the perfect time to leave so dumbledore and everyone wouldn't see them. "now." Rosalie whispered and everyone ran behind trying to be as quiet as possible. Harry, ron, hermione and rosalie all ran and hid behind some pumpkins that made them not visible.

"can you hear what there saying?" Rosalie whispered to hermione.

"Buckbeak is going to be executed at sundown"
Hermione whispered.

another rock was thrown and hermione turned around to see the bushes moving. "what?" Harry asked.

"i thought i just saw... never mind" Hermione  stated.

"Me too." Rosalie said looking to hermione.

"let's go!" Ron began to run and everyone followed him. They all ran as far away as possible until they got to a spot where noone could see them and they had a view of buckbeak.

The executed lifestyle up the axe and with that buckbeak was gone. hermione turned to run and hid her face in his neck. Rosalie quickly put her hand to harry and also rested her head in his neck.

Ron turned to harry who had a blushed look on his face however it was covered by his heartbreak of seeing buckbeak. "he didn't deserve that." Rosalie sniffed.

"ow!" Ron shouted and be dropped scabbers allowing him to run off again. "he bit me!" Ron ran off after scabbers.

Everyone followed him. "ron get that pesky rat under control" rosalie panted out of breath.



Also thankyou so much @rio_sargebooks for always commenting on my wattpad!

everyone who supports me i thankyou because your keeping me writing and i love you all!

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