The fight.

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Day 0 (fight day.)


I can't believe I lost everything because of my stupid, unrealistic goal of dating Gwen. Why can't I think clearly for once! SHE. DOSENT. WANT. TO. GO. OUT. WITH. YOU!!

8:30 am.

Science class, the worst class. Now, don't get me wrong, science is awesome! The teacher makes me hate it though. As I was sitting at my desk, minding my business, Trent comes up to me. "Hey man! I have a question." He says. "Ask away!" I tell him. "You know how I'm dating Gwen?" He says. "Yeah..?" I say, a bit nervous of what he's gonna ask me. "I... just wanted to know if you still like her..." He says. "Uhhh... well.. haha..." I dart my eyes around the room in a nervous panic.

Trent gets mad at me. "Oh come on man! Get over her! You know we are dating!" He rolls his eyes at me, scoffing loudly. "I'm sorry! I can't control my feelings!" I scream back. "I should have known." Trent taps his fingers on my desk, looking at the window instead of me. "I said I was sorry man!" I say. "Oh yeah. Sorry for trying to steal my girl." He scoffs. I stand up. "I never said that." I'm getting angry now. "Ok, but your still trying to steal her!" "How?!" "Boys! Out in the hallway now!" The teacher yells at us. Trent takes my wrist and pulls me out.

"Well for one, you still like her while she's IN A RELATIONSHIP!-" "I CANT CONTROL MY FEELINGS!" "I don't care. Two, you always hang out with each other." "Cuz we're Friends??" "Three, you always flirt with her!!" I go silent. I can't defend myself there. "See? Cody, if I'm being real, you're kinda.." He stops. I am angry at Trent now. "Huh?! I'm what." I say angrily. "Your annoying Cody. You think your so cool, when in reality, your not." He says, staring straight into my eyes. I freeze up, trying to hold in my tears.

"Hey! Hey, what happened here?" Harold runs up to us. "Cody is trying to steal my girl!" "Like I said, I never said that!" "Gosh! Explain your guys side of the story!" Harold says, clearly shocked that we are fighting. So, Trent explains his side, and I explain mine.

"Cody.. Trent is right. You shouldn't like and flirt with someone during a relationship, that's just wrong." Harold sighs. "B- but!" I shake, not being able to hold in tears for much longer. "I- I'm so sorry!" I say. "Save it." Trent says, walking back to class. Harold stays for a minute. "I'm sorry Cody. Work on that tho, and then we can talk, k?" He says, then walks away.

I walked back to the classroom and put my head down. Trent hates me, and Harold took his side. What else could possibly go wrong?

10:23 am

As I was leaving my classroom, I got a ping on my phone. I checked it and... are you kidding me?! Trent posted a thing to the school Snapchat! It read., 'Just so everyone is aware, Cody is a bad person. He talked to me about how much he loves Gwen, and will steal her from anyone she's dating. I guess he doesn't know about us...'

I ran to the bathrooms basically sobbing. How could he do this?! 3 mins later, I got out and walked to my next class, but Heather stopped me in my tracks. "Is this true?!" She asked me, with hate in her eyes. Then, she showed me the message. "What?! No! It's not true!" I exclaim. "You know what? I don't believe you. Bye, brother." She says, then walks away. I just stand there, in complete shock. My own sister?? Ok, god.

12:05 pm

It's time for lunch! My favorite time of the day! I walk to get in line, and almost everyone is staring at me with a disgusted face, weird.

Then, I remember, the rumor. I sigh as I take my trey and find a place to sit. "Can I-" I say to Heather as she cuts me off. "Save it." She says. Everyone at that table gives me a dirty look. I just frown and find an empty table to eat at alone.

As I was eating, I got a notification on my phone. It was Heather this time. 'Hey, Cody. Just so you know, everyone hates you. Do better next time. Hitting on Gwen during a relationship? Pathetic. 🙄'

I stared at the message for a good 10 seconds before laying my head down in my hands. Why did Trent have to do this? Now everyone in the school hates me. I just want to never come to school ever again. I am so tired. I just want to go home. Let the day be over soon.

10:36 pm.

I stared blankly into my phone. Today was the worst day ever. I lost everything. Trent, Harold, Heather. All gone. I have no one to talk to.

All alone.

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