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A gasp for air ran through the room.

Larry could feel her, touching everywhere, but he couldn't pinpoint exactly where. He was too afraid to open his eyes, because he knew it was gonna be a lot for him to take in, racking his brain for answers on how he even got here.

She treated him like prey, snakelike and ruthless, crawling around his body and squeezing it as she pleased. Except she'd use him for her own twisted desires, manhandling him as she desired.

You see, Larry had had a crush on Mary for forever, through middle school to now at University—although Mary had never shown any interest back. He'd loved her though she only showed him occasional annoyance and disinterest, she'd never complimented him before or really had a casual conversation with him. So, when she came up to Larry, asking for him to help her with "stress relief", how could he refuse a chance to help the girl he loved? Mary had never been personal with him, maybe Barry (who he may have been really jealous of), but never him.

He didn't expect it to be this. It wasn't that he didn't like it, it was just how unexpected it was.

He expected to be beaten, Mary would probably use him as a target in the gym, throwing dodgeballs at him and laughing. Or he'd probably used it for one of Mary's experiments, not an assignment, just something she'd like to study for fun. She'd always been an intelligent person, regardless of her bad temper.

One thing Larry now knew was that he was incorrect about Mary's idea of stress relief. It wasn't throwing dodgeballs at him or ruining him physically — no it was ruining him sexually.

Marys got him pinned on this table. She'd been given this room by the headmaster, for test subjects of course. Failed test subjects were either killed or let go. But, Mary seemed to abuse the right to have the room. She's sitting on top of him, his pants are long gone now, and so are his boxers. He can't help but lean into her touch, listen to every word she says, her voice is sickly sweet. It isn't Mary-like, it's gentle, soft, somehow still dominant in a way.

"I love how pathetic you are," She spoke, keeping Larry pinned down by holding his arms. "You like being trapped here with me, don't you Larry?"

Larry mutters out a tiny yes, and Mary slaps him. Her hand came down roughly against his check, leaving a mark.

"Speak louder." Mary snarls at him, her hands roughly gripping his arms as her nails dig into them.

"Yes!" Larry whines as tears well up in his eyes, and Mary smiles. A sweet smile that completely constricts her previous actions. She seems to get a kick out of him obeying her, following her every word.

"Next time you won't be so lucky." Mary grumbled, scowling at Larry. The same mean expression he's faced for years and years on end, he doesn't like it.

"I'm s-sorry, M-mary..." Larry stuttered out, he'd gotten better at his speaking—just not towards Mary. Not when his heart was beating as fast as it was. Not when his body was so warm and he was sure he was blushing. Mary raises an eyebrow at his apology but seems incredibly pleased by it. "I'll do b-better..."

"Good boy..." She purred out, and Larry can't help but love the praise. Mary reaches down and kisses him, Larry shivers as he feels her warm body against his. Her soft brown hair brushes against his cheek, tickling it, her grip on his wrists tighten. The kiss is surprisingly gentle, Larry can feel her pink lip gloss rub off on his lips as she brings hers to his. It tastes like cherry, and her mouth tastes like mint, his mouth tastes like the blue raspberry gum he spit out when he came into the room. Apparently Mary doesn't mind it, because she doesn't let him go til they're both gasping for air, a string of saliva connecting them as she pulls away.

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