Press conference

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Interviewer: so Gianna you had a great game today with a triple double how does that feel knowing it was your first game as a huskie after transferring from LSU?

Gianna: It was good you know it's gonna take time for me to get used to these girls and coach Geno but you know it's nothing different , it's same game just different people and you know it's not gonna ever be a different game, just different mindsets.

Interviewer: Nika how does it feel to play with Gianna?

Nika: Playing with Gianna is good, you know she is a good player and she just won a championship with LSU and lsu is a good team and Kim mulkey is also an amazing coach, and it's good to have her here.

Interviewer: Paige how do you feel knowing that there is a chance you will not be able to play with Gianna this season

Paige: I have hope that my injury isn't that serious to the point where I am gonna miss the whole season, I really wanna play with Gianna and play with everyone else on the team, but you know there is still hope I mean Gianna is a really good player like Nika said and me and her grew a really good bond since she moved in and I feel like playing with her would grow our relationship even more.

Interviewer: Aaliyah how does it feel to know you have another player who's good at looking for you to finish at the rim

Aaliyah: it's amazing I mean she got some good assists and I feel like she will be a good addition to the team and I can't wait to play with her

Interviewer: Ok just a few more questions for Gianna, Gianna how is this team different form your former team at LSU

Gianna: it's not really different, like the girls from LSU they're like my sisters, and you know like I said it's gonna take a while to get used to them and LSU has been my home since my freshmen year and we had just won a national championship, and they just gained some good freshmen and they even got Hailey Van Lith and she's one good player, so I don't really think that they really lost a good player like me since they gained much better players

Interviewer: Gianna during your time at LSU you only dropped 13 points per game and got a double double, at UConn you got a triple double why is that you did it at UConn but not LSU

Gianna: well I think it's because everyone was taller than me on LSU, I was 5'6 and we had Angel who was 6'4 and Yk I got hops but I never used them so I just thought might as well do it at Uconn

Interviewer: Alrighty thank you girls and good game

Gianna, Paige, Nika, and Aaliyah: Thank you.

We get up to walk out and Paige puts her hand out and I grab it and we walk out the press hand in hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2023 ⏰

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