Chapter 6A: For All Time.

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Loki and Sylvie stood before it. The citadel at the end of time. The source of all of it. From the very beginning. The two gods walked the steps, stopping just before reaching the door. It was designed with a very unique art pattern sprawled across it; yellow lines splintered across black stone, resembling the residual cracks of shattered pottery upon being mended.

Sylvie took in an uneasy breath before stepping forward. "Aren't you gonna tell me not to kick the door in?"

Loki shrugged. "It never made a difference."

Sylvie turned back. "Well, if you think it's a bad idea, I prefer you to speak your mind."

"No. Nothing to say."

"That'll be a first." She said turning to the door and clearing her throat. She didn't take a step.

Loki turned to her. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah." She answered frantically. "Just need a moment."


Sylvie continued staring at the door.

"It's just, normally..."

"Loki, shut up." Sylvie interrupted. "I was pruned before you even existed. I have been waiting for this moment my entire life. I just need a second to get my head straight, okay."

"Sure, of course."

Sylvie turned back to the door. After a moment of contemplation they opened on their own. The design of the palace interior was much like the outside. Yellow lines forming a splintered pattern along the walls, along with two enormous statues posted on either side of the entrance. The two gods entered deliberately, eyeing everything inside with vigilance. Sylvie kept a hand along her blade.

"HEY, YA'LL!" Miss Minutes exclaimed, materializing in front of them.

Sylvie and Loki each drew their blades.

"You again?" Sylvie said.

"Welcome to the Citadel at the End of Time." Miss Minutes greeted.

"Come on." Loki beckoned Sylvie away.

"Congratulations." Miss Minutes said. "Y'all had an awfully long journey to get here. He's impressed."

"Who's impressed?" Sylvie inquired.

"He Who Remains." Miss Minutes answered.

"And who is he?" Loki asked.

"He created all and he controls all." Miss Minutes said. "At the end, it is only He Who Remains. And he wants to offer you a deal. He's been making a few creative adjustments and he's worked it out so we can reinsert both of y'all back into the Timeline in a way that won't disrupt things."

"Won't disrupt things?" Sylvie asked.

"Mhm." Miss Minutes affirmed. "The TVA can keep doing its vital work and y'all can live the lives you've always wanted."

"And what have we always wanted?" Loki questioned.

"Now, don't play coy with me, mister." Miss Minutes told him. "You know how you got into this mess."


"The Battle of New York, silly." Miss Minutes said. "You versus those self-righteous Avengers. How would you win? But not just there. You can kill Thanos. Infinity Guantlet? Yours. Throne of Asgard? No problem." She then turned to Sylvie. "And what about you, missy? All those years on the run. Desperate. Alone. How would you like to wake up tomorrow with just a lifetime of happy memories? Two Lokis in the same place."

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