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Holly's POV-

"On this day, me, B and Stone had decided that it would be a good idea to create a dumb cardboard Ouija board. God, what a mistake. We all just wanted to have some Halloween fun, how awful is that? Look, I know this is gonna sound crazy, but what we experienced was a nightmare come to life. We didn't even think the stupid board would work it was cardboard for god sakes! But.. it did. I can give every little detail, but all I ask is that you listen to my story."

October 13th 2005

Holly was rushing through the hallways, trying to escape the huge crowds of kids, when she heard someone call her name, "Yo, Holly!" B called out. Holly stopped in her tracks and turned around to look at B who was running towards her. Holly hobbled to the side of the crowded hall so she was out of the way and could wait for B while NOT getting crushed by other high schoolers in the hallway. "Hey, B" Holly said, smiling at the girl who is now out of breath from booking it down the hallways to catch up. "Hey, Hol's! I thought we were gonna walk together?" B said, still a tad out of breath. "We WERE going to walk together, but you're so slow! I was gonna go wait outside for you because you move at the pace of a snail!" Holly said, laughing at the eye roll she revived from B. "Stone is already waiting outside for us, cmon." Holly said, turning around and starting to head for the door, making B follow behind her.

They opened the school doors to the cool, fall air hitting their faces. Looking around for a moment, B and Holly both noticed Stone standing in the shade waiting for their arrival. Upon Stone noticing them, he lifted his hand and gave them a wave, "There you guys are! You're both so slow, I've been waiting forever!" Stone said while walking over towards them. "I'M not the one who's slow, B is! I'm the nice one who decided to wait for the slow poke!" Holly said, receiving a small, playful punch in the shoulder from B, before walking off together to Stone's car.

Within their drive, they decided it was a great idea to create a makeshift Ouija board. It was Halloween, it was spooky and they wanted to have some fun. They decided that it would be fun and agreed that Stone would drive them to Holly's house to build it, then drive out of town to Stone's house, to use it. "Alright, we're making the board here then taking it to my place?" Stone asked, putting the car in park. "Yeah, I think it'll be fun!" B spoke out, pulling her upper half into the front seat. "Alright, let's go make it, then we can head out to Stone's place later and use it!" Holly spoke, voice fading into the outdoors as she stepped out of the car. The rest of the group followed Holly into her place and scrounged her basement for some cardboard and a couple sharpies. Once they finally found what they needed, the group of kids quickly rushed up to Holly's bedroom to build up a semi-realistic Ouija board. 

Both B and Holly decided they'd google some images and that Stone would start cutting cardboard into the correct shape. After a little google searching and a little bit of creativity, they had created a pretty realistic board that was pretty well identical to a real one. By this time, it was still light out and they decided that it would be spookier if they had done it at night so they waited until around 10pm before they started their descent out to Stone's house. Now, Stone's house is a little ways out of town, he lives on a small farm in a more rural area then Holly and B. All of them decided that they would use this cardboard Ouija board in Stone's old tree house that was a little ways away from Stone's actual house. The tree house was old and rugged, overrun by the trees and vegetation which made it all the more spooky, just how the teens wanted it. 

Stone climbed up first, then Holly and lastly B. They had all decided to bring a few things with them to set up in the tree house, Stone set down a comfortable blanket for them, Holly placed candles and B lit them. With a team effort, the teens had successfully set up a perfect, spooky area to mess around with this board. B placed the board in the middle of the blanket and they all shuffled towards it, getting close enough to put the planchette in the middle and place their hands on top of it. 

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