how you meet.

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The order the characters are in are:

Slenderman bc why not
Maybe more in the future

Then girls same scenario and their order will be:

Maybe more in the future

After all that rambling now the first chapter.

How you meet


You were walking down the neighborhood on a walk with your dog (if you dont want or dont have a dog then your just on a walk). You had headphones on so you couldnt hear your surroundings very well. You danced slightly swaying your head to the music as your favorite song came on. You enjoyed the peaceful walk for while. That was until a boy came up behind you. He grabbed you by your wrist swinging you around to face him holding the knife to your chest.

"Go.. to... SLEEP...!!" he yelled as he started pushing the knife into you

You moves to the side, headphones falking off your ur head with him just barely getting the knife to you as he fell on the ground dropping the knife in one motion. You picked up the knife and held it out incase he were to attack you. Smart move. He walked up to you as you backed up the knife still in hand. He stared for a few seconds snickering and grabbing the knife flipping it a few times in his hand before turning back and walking away.

"Jeffery woods, Google it. Your pretty good. Ill see you again soon cutie." You hear him say in the distance.

You picked up your headphones (,and dog if you had one who was sitting there panting happily watching it all,) walking back to your house. What a strange night.


You sat infront of your tv, bored as usual. That was until you heard a knock on the door. Figuring it was probably an amazon delivery. (Its basically a delivery service where you buy things and they bring them to your house if you dont know what they are) You stood up and walked towards the door opening it to see no one there. All that was there was a simple legand of zelda game. Curious, you grabbed it and turned it on to play on your tv. You started to play for a bit. In the middle of playing the game started to glitch. A few words suddenly popped up on the screen.

"Y0u $hOuldNt H@v3 D0n€ tHa+"

A hand shot out of the tv followed by a boy who looked alot like link. Blonde hair, link hat, sword across his back. He looked the same exept his eyes were black and red with blood spilling out. You watched unsure of what to so as he continued to crawl out of your tv and over towards you. He finally managed to get out as you backed up into the couch.

"Your pretty cute.. Maybe Ill spare you, if i get something in return?" The boy says.

"What do you want...?" You ask hesitantly.

"Let me stay here for a bit to clean up whenever I need it." He says.

You nod not sure what else to do as he smiled slightly and went to clean himself up. What a strange night.


You walked around in the woods taking pictures of different scenes for your photography class. (If your out of school or dont like photography then your just taking pictures) You kept walking enjoying the nature scenes and peace outside. You heard a few branches snap behind you, not thinking anything of it. You continued walking for about a minute until you started to get a headache. You decided to turn back and head home. As you started walking back you started hearing a static like noise. The headache got worse and you started feeling nauseous. You finally turned around to see a tall man behind you. You jumped and started to run dropping your camera as he followed you grabbing you with one of his tentacles. (I've heard different ways of saying what they are but I first read it a few years ago as tentacles so I'm going with that) he stared at you for a few seconds and the static along with everything else stopped. You looked up at him confused as to why he wasn't hurting you at all. He did nothing but gently set you down before picking up your camera putting it in your hands. You looked at your camera somehow completely unharmed or damaged. By the time you looked back up to ask the tall man what had happend he was gone. You decided you had enough for one day and started to walk home hoping to forget the whole thing. That was until you heard something, it was loud but it wasn't from around you. It was as if something spoke and only you could hear it in your head.

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