meeting again/becoming friends

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You were sitting on your bed watching tv eating some snacks when you heard the window crack open. You watched confused as it revealed to be jeff, the boy from before. You had obviously done your research on him and found out about his backstory. You felt bad but came to terms with it since he seemed like he could be a decent person other than the whole murderer thing. He closed the window behind him.

"Told you we would see eachother again." He says with a slight grin.

He walks over to you and sat on the bed next to you.

"Hey what are you doing?!" You say as he was uninvited on the bed.

"Watching tv with you?? Im bored and tired." He says sarcastically

"Get off my bed your covered in blood, not to mention you have your shoes on your all dirty." You say mad at him.

"Alright fine. Wheres your bathroom?" He says as you point to it.

He walks out and cleans himself up coming back after and watched tv with you for a while. You didnt want to question it because he was a murderer and he could kill you. He started doing this often and would come over almost every night. You two eventually became friends. You enjoyed his visits and he did too.


Its been a while since your little meet up with the elf like killer. He had come over a few times since then but by the time he had cleaned up you fell asleep so you never really got to meet him. You were lost in thought when you suddenly heard a glitchy like sound coming from your tv. Knowing what it was you werent worried and decided to play f/g (your favorite video game). He had by now emerged from the tv blood soaked and tired like normal. He went to clean up as normal about to leave when he looked at your tv you played on.

"No way! Is that f/g! I love that game!" He says, his elf like ears pointing upwards.

He ran over to you and sat next to you grabbing the other controller.

"Can I play with you!" He asks excitedly.

You nod and start playing. You two had fun together until he had to leave. You won most of the time and he had a lot of fun finding someone who could beat him at a game. You two became friends and started to play all the time and do other things together too.


You were messing around in the forest mostly forgetting what happened before with the tall man. You were taking pictures of nature and having fun. He watched you for a while. After a while you started trying to take a picture of a bird on a nest in a tree. It wasn't that tall of a tree but still you were too short to get it. Slender noticed you having trouble and waited to see if you got it. You unfortunately did not and kept trying but failed each time. He finally after a few minutes walked over to you and grabbed your camera holding it up above his head and getting a good picture of the bird. Once he was done he gave you the camera back. You remembered what happened last time smiled up at him and took it. You looked at the pictures you took and the one he took as he talked to you about random things and walked you back home. You went out to take pictures with him a lot and sometimes he would come to you. You became friends quickly.


you sat at the place you agreed on and waited to meet up with the man. He didnt seem harmful to you although you were still cautious. You sat for a while and watched him show up with a box, 2 forks, and 2 plates. He smiled at you and placed the plates down.

"What's this?" You ask.

He opened the box to reveal cheesecake.

"I wasn't sure what other foods you like but I knew we both liked this. I hope its ok." he says clearly nervous.

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