9~ Caught You!!

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Author's Pov,

Yaksha moved into her room back and forth, She brought Ayaan into her room after talking with her daughter and made him sleep beside his Nana ji.

She too was going to sleep when Kaustubh came into her room and informed her that he was going to Solapur.

But she doesn't know why she wasn't feeling good after Kaustubh left for Solapur.

He told her that there was nothing to worry about and that he would be back in the morning.

But her heart was not ready to accept it,
She knew there was something serious and her heart was beating wildly with the horrible thoughts.

She closed her eyes and prayed for her daughter to be safe.

She glanced at the clock and saw it was 5: 30 PM in the morning.

She sighed and walked out of her room not before checking her grandson and pulling the duvet properly on his body.

She came downstairs and lightened the lamp, her eyes wandered the whole hall and stopped on Revti who was sleeping in the corner.

She thousands of times told her to sleep in her room but this woman never listened to her.

She walked towards the kitchen and poured a glass of water for her, before chugging it down her throat, but that water choked in her throat hearing a doorbell.

Her heart thumped loudly at her running wild thoughts, but she handled herself she kept the glass on the kitchen counter and walked out with her trembling legs.

Only to witness Revti opening the door from inside, she kept holding her breath hoping for good.

But She knew God was never at her side and today was no different.

The crying voice of a baby reached her ear making her eyes go wide in horror, of course, she recognized it.

She ran towards the door and saw her younger grandson wailing loudly, while a man of the same age as her daughter was holding him in his arms.

She knew that man, he was her daughter's best friend Rakshit.

"Aeh!!" She called out and took him in her arms while staring at Rakshit with questioning gazes.

Rakshit opened his mouth to speak but she again signed him to keep quiet and whispered to her grandson.

"Why are you crying bachha, look You are at Nani's Home,"

"Mu..Mumma," he muttered and hugged her tightly.

Her heart thumped loudly but she tried to control her feelings, still, tears betrayed her and flowed out of her eyes.

"Stop crying baby we will find Mumma," She consoled him and started to pat his back and to her surprise, he slept in a few minutes.

She signed Revti to close the door and signed Rakshit to take a seat on the sofa.

"He was crying from last night," Rakshit said seeing him sleeping peacefully.

"Where is my daughter?" Yaksha managed to let out those words, her heart was hurting brutally at the mere thought of her daughter's horrible past invading her future.

"I don't know, she was scared when she called me and told me to pick him up from our fellow teacher's house," Rakshit answered in a worried voice.

When Yana called him, he immediately went to Rahul's house and picked up her crying son from there, Rahul told him about those cars and he knew going to her house wasn't safe with her son, so he was going to take him to his home but seeing his crying condition he came here.

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