Chapter 5 Are you mine?

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The Angel and Jiro discussed about what happened earlier.

"JIRO WHAT WE'RE YOU THINKING KISSING RIN?!?!?" "I thought it would make him like me again plus his lips we're soft earlier.." "THAT IS NOT THE POINT!" "But what if he fell inlove with someone else" "Good point but STILL YOU CAN'T JUST KISS PEOPLE!" "Fine" "It is the time you should wake up already!" "Fine jeez..".

She was back to reality it is 7:20am

She got dressed up and ate breakfast got ready to go to school (What a hassle..)

In school Rei and Jiro met at the entrance

"Good morning Jiro!" "Morning.." "What's wrong with you today you seem tired?" "I couldn't slept last night that much" (I spent an entire 2 hours thinking why the fuck did i kissed Rin i hope you don't find out able it Rei) "I see make sure to have enough energy for today" She chuckles "Yea i know by the way did you see Rin since you came earlier than i did" "Yea the last time i saw him was at the soccer field why?" "I need to talk to him about something" "I see well you can go check if he is there right now" "Really thanks" "Anytime i'll see you later" "I'll see you later Rei" (You are a life saver Rei i'm glad she's my friend she's the best)

At the soccer field it was only Rin who was there

"Hey Rin" "What do you want from me you pathetic loser" "I want you to keep me kissing you a secret" "Yea i would since i don't want a pathetic loser to ruin my reputation" "I was worried you would tell someone" "You are stupid for thinking that by the way what are you planning" "I want you to fall inlove with me" "The chances of that happening is never so give up" "You are just playing hard to get i would seduce you easily" "That's just stupid but i would like to see you try and give up"

At class they were having science classes Rin and Jiro got partnered up for the Solar system experiment and documentation

"Can't i have a different partner teacher" "No Rin cause i said so" "Looks like we are partners Rin!" "You are just going to bring me down" "That's not true!" "Not really someone as stupid and immature like you can bring me down" "Ugh whatever anyways i will build!" "Fine i will document the solar system" "Who's place shall we do the project?" "Mine" "Alright Rin!" "Do not disturb my brother nor my parents got it?" "Yea sure"

Jiro went to Rin's house after school there was no practice that day so they had enough materials to build the solar system Jiro rings Rin's doorbell

"Come inside" They went to Rin's room "Did you started without me Rin?" "Yea you took long." "Sorry the store where i buy materials had a long line" "Let's just get this over with" "Sure" Jiro started to set up the materials while Rin was researching and going back through the old topics Jiro was doing the crafting of each planet

2 Hours later it was 7pm

"Well what do you think about the planets" "It looks decent i supposed.." "Thanks did you finished writing it?" "Yea of course what did you think stupid?" "Nothing by the way your football practice schedule tomorrow is at 5am since the festival is comming soon"(It's also beneficial for me since alot of school will compete so i have a chance to find our killer) "Alright anything else?" "Not really but do your best on the games" "Yea sure whatever"

"Can i see how you wrote the description" "Fine but be quick" Jiro saw it but she was not focusing on the topic she was more focused on Rin's neat handwritting "You have nice handwritting Rin!" "Yea i know by the way how long are you going to keep complementing me" "Until you are mine" "Yea no that will never happened" "It will soon" "No and you should go home" "Yea i should come with me will you?" "Why would i do that?" "Since it is dangerous to let a lady walk alone plus i am not that strong" "You are such a pain but fine and the project stays here" "Sure"

They went out of the room while going down they both saw Rin's brother Sae asking them where are they going and the two told him he did not really care but said come back after she was home now they are outside all alone

"Your brother seems nice Rin" "No he is not but whatever" "We are alone together again" "Yea i know are you that stupid?" "Sorry" "Whatever it's not like this is rare for you trying to flirt with me" "I feel honored" "Well you should not cause you would look more pathetic" "How cruel" They both arrived at Jiro's apartment "Thanks Rin for walking me back home" "It's not like i had a choice" Jiro kissed Rin on the cheek "A little reward from me" "This is stupid it's not going to work" "It will soon!" "Definitely not only in your dreams" "So i have a chance since dreams can sometimes come true if it is not unnatural" "You are stupid" "For you" "Yea no you are stupid and pathetic" "I forgot to mention this after your game can we hang out?" "Let's see if you can get near me" "I'm one of your managers so i can" "I wasted time because of you" Rin was walking away from her "Bye Rin!"

Rin left and the next day at school it was 4am Jiro got ready to go to school

"There is no way i woke up early just for Rin.." she arrived at school and immediately go to the soccer field "Good morining coach.." "Morning Jiro" "Is Rei here yet?" "Not yet only me and the team" "I see i will just go on the bench and watch them" "Sure go ahead" Jiro watched them do drills but her eyes were on Rin most of the time (He is so handsome.. i love him so much but i really need to focus on my goal killing the killer so that i can be with him again let me remember the name of the killer.. oh right the name was Jacob Mariano in both dimensions here and where me and Rin originally were apparently he was a enemy and hated us since in a war before his dad was killed leaving the mom unstable when he turned 15 his mom died since due to suicide well i have bet he would be in the sports so it will be easy to find him i really need to get stronger first)

Rei arrived and sat next to Jiro "Jiro you have been staring at Rin for a while now" "Hey Rei i zoned out sorry" "Wait do you like him" "I do."

                                                      To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2023 ⏰

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