1 Hometown Reunion

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The town square was awash with twinkling lights, the air thick with the aroma of freshly baked pastries and a festive spirit that enveloped the arriving guests. Jisoo stepped out of the car, her heart pounding with a mix of excitement and apprehension. She hadn't set foot in her hometown for years, and the prospect of reuniting with old friends brought a wave of nostalgia.

"Jisoo!" A familiar voice rang out, pulling her attention to Hwasa, resplendent in a radiant smile and a stunning winter-themed gown. They embraced tightly, the warmth of their friendship immediately erasing any lingering nerves.

"Welcome back! It's been too long," Hwasa exclaimed, linking arms with Jisoo as they made their way towards the group.

Nayeon and Wheein spotted them from a distance and rushed over, their laughter echoing through the square. "Jisoo! You're finally here!" Nayeon enveloped her in a bear hug, while Weein teased, "Thought you'd bail on us again, but here you are, looking as stunning as ever."

Jisoo chuckled, feeling the weight of her worries dissipate in the presence of her closest friends. "Wouldn't miss Hwasa's big day for anything."

As they exchanged pleasantries and caught up on each other's lives, Jisoo couldn't shake off the nagging thought at the back of her mind. She stole a glance around, secretly hoping she wouldn't encounter someone she wasn't prepared to face just yet.

"Everything okay?" Hwasa asked, noticing the flicker of unease in Jisoo's eyes.

"Yeah, just... reminiscing about old times," Jisoo replied with a half-smile, masking her inner turmoil. She prayed silently that fate wouldn't throw her an unexpected curveball at this reunion.

wasa sensed the shift in Jisoo's demeanor but chose not to probe further, diverting the conversation to lighter topics. The group's chatter filled the air as they meandered through the decorated streets, enjoying the festive ambiance.

Nayeon nudged Wheein playfully. "Hey, remember the time Joshua got lost in this town trying to impress a girl?"

Wheein laughed, recalling the comical incident. "Oh yes, he ended up at the wrong bakery and bought a dozen cupcakes for himself."

"Hey, those cupcakes were delicious," Joshua defended with a grin.

Amidst the laughter, Joshua's mischievous gaze fell upon Jisoo. "Speaking of surprises, guess who's back in town?"

Jisoo's heart skipped a beat, the name she hoped to avoid hovering unspoken in the air. She feigned ignorance. "Who?"

Joshua leaned closer, a playful glint in his eye. "Oh, you know, just an old friend. A certain someone we all know too well."

Hwasa shot Joshua a warning look, recognizing the tension that began to brew among their friends. She attempted to steer the conversation away. "Hey, how about we grab some hot chocolate? I saw a charming café just around the corner!"

Nayeon and Wheein quickly caught on, attempting to mask their discomfort. "Yeah, that sounds great! Let's go!"

But Joshua persisted, the mischievous grin refusing to fade. "But guys, isn't it intriguing that Jungkook chose now, of all times, to visit our lovely town?"

Jisoo's breath caught in her throat. She tried to appear unfazed, but her friends knew better. Hwasa shot a pleading look at Joshua, silently urging him to drop the subject, while Nayeon and Wheein exchanged anxious glances, aware of the delicacy of the situation.

"Joshua!" Hwasa chided, attempting to diffuse the tension. "Stop trying to stir things up. Let's go get that hot chocolate, shall we?"

Jisoo remained stunned, unable to form words, her mind racing with the unexpected revelation. The playful banter among friends suddenly tinged with an unspoken history, leaving Jisoo lost for words as she grappled with the unexpected news of Jungkook's return.


A/N: I haven't done writing Sphallolalia, but hey here I am working on this short story of Kooksoo

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