Chapter .00. Lonely child

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Makaria Amate Kaltain, for everyone that has a slight understanding of what these names mean knows, who ever named the child was obsessed with death. Her parents of course fit into that description, we are talking about the Kaltain family after all. The girl was probably the least person that you would expect to end up with someone like Fred Weasley but let's start with the beginning of the story.



olly Weasly was making her way back to her house on a very cold winter day, as suddenly something hit her from behind on the head, causing her to stumble and drop the bags she was holding. She was used to such things, walking past the big Kaltain manor was never a good idea, though it was unavoidable sometimes.

"I apologise mrs." Molly snaps her head towards the child that is now upstanding in front of her, handing her one of the bags. The brown haired child wore the usual attire most of the Kaltain children wore and their short hair was typical for a boy of that household. But there was one big difference between them and the other children. Their eyes. 

Those kind eyes that shined with wonder and were so warm that mrs. Weasley wouldn't doubt the snow would melt under their guilt. Molly carefully takes her bag from the child with a kind smile. "It's alright dear."

Molly wants to continue her way as the small child suddenly pulls on her sleeve, pointing at one of the bags. "Those look heavy, can I help with them?" 

Mrs. Weasley is taken aback by the kids request. None of the Kaltain children were ever something close to polite and just like the Malfoy's they looked down on muggle born people. Molly looks around, weren't the parents somewhere around to tell this young child they needed to get back in? It was freezing after all.

"I am not sure dear. Didn't your parents tell you that walking with strangers isn't a good idea? What if I planned on kidnapping you?" The kid just shrugged, their brows furrowed.

"They don't really care about what I do. I am allowed to do everything as long as I don't bother any of my family members." Molly furrows her brows, looking down at the small brunette. It didn't look like it was missing something, it wasn't skinny in an unhealthy, neither was it injured, but they did look lonely.

"Oh, if you'd still like to you can help me carry a bag just down the road." Molly didn't want the child to stay alone any longer, especially in the snow. At first she had thought about telling the kid to go home, but the way the child had looked at her with big very sad looking eyes made her want to be company for the child just a little longer. 

Molly handed the child the lightest of the bags and they both start to make their way down the rocky road towards the start of the street of the village the Weasley's lived in.

"I just remembered I have forgotten to introduce myself. I am Molly Weasley." The kid tilts her head upon hearing the name before smiling. "I am Makaria! And despite my parents telling everyone that my younger sister Althea is the only girl in our household, I am her older sister!"

The brown haired girl happily babbles the way about everything and anything. Molly smiles slightly nodding along with what the girl says, realising that the kid probably rarely had someone listen to her talk. There was so much information she got not only about the child, but also about the family Kaltain. Suddenly the child snaps her head towards her blinking once or twice before asking:

"Do you have a family mrs. Weasley?" 

Molly nods eagerly happy to talk about her kids. "I have 7 children. You mentioned that you are 6 years old, right? Fred and George are about a year older than you, Ron on the other hand is one year younger!" Molly noticed that the girl stared at her in awe.

Way to soon the long walk ends. Makaria stares at the floor with sadness glossing over her features. "I guess this is were I have to say goodbye mrs. Weasley."

Molly felt her heart throb as she realises the girl will have to go back to the cold manor. The red haired woman had never expected to meet a nice Kaltain child, but of course exceptions proves the rules. Makaria hands Molly the bag she had been carrying just until now and Molly is about to leave until she has an idea.

"Why don't you come visit us once a while, I think you and my children would get along greatly." Molly asks, looking at the young girl that at first smiles brightly, before it slowly drops.

"I'd love to, but mother wants to move." The little girl looks to the snow covered ground with a frown. Makaria really didn't want to leave the side of the only woman that was ever nice to her, but Makaria knew better than anyone what would happen if she broke one of the rules. Those rules from a family that didn't care about her. The little girl didn't want to forget the nice woman and really didn't want the nice woman to forget her. Carefully she removes a small bracelet from around her arm and holds it up to mrs. Weasley.

She knew the children from the nice lady, though only through watching them play through her window. She sometimes wanted to take part in their games, but than there was the sharp voice of her mother yelling at her to stop daydreaming and get to studying.

"Here! Should I ever see you again mrs. you must show me this bracelet! Than I know you remember me?" Molly wants to refuse but the girl is persistent and she caves in, taking the flowery bracelet before the young girl waves and walks back up to the cold manor, stomping through the snow.

Molly couldn't remember that there ever had been a nice Kaltain child. No, that wasn't correct. The mother of this girl had been a very nice person up until her second year in Hogwarts, than the family costume striked. Molly turns around, ready to go home shaking her head and muttering quietly to herself:
"I just hope they won't ruin the personality of this child."


7 years later


akaria did it.
Though she wasn't sure if she should be proud of it. Her parents spent years to raise her into the perfect boy, just so that she could drink a potion and be send of to Durmstrang attending this school as a boy. 

Makaria managed to play the role as the "second oldest son" of the Kaltain family quite well, just until the end of the second year. The potion had worn off just about a day before the start of summer break and suddenly the agressive and snobby boy everyone knew as Makaro became a female. The whole thing ended in Makaria being shipped of to Hogwarts, flying from Durmstrang kinda like she did every time she sat on a broom.

In Hogwarts her story was pretty popular. Teachers were a bit worried about accepting someone that had littarly fooled an entire school. ("Especially one of the Kaltain children!" Ms. Sproud had cried out upon hearing Makaria's full name) 
Though the story quickly died down right after Makaria had been sorted into slytherin, until Harry, with how little he sometimes knew asked a day later: "Why was it so special that the Kaltain girl arrived in Hogwarts?" 

Hermione surprisingly wasn't the one that answered his question, but Ron did. "The Kaltain family was the last family to come back to the good side after you-know-who disappeared. Though this isn't the thing that makes them special, it probably plays a role in why the girl is special. According to rumours the eldest daughter of the Kaltain family is cursed, though the family calls it a blessing. Normally children of the family spend their first few years in Hogwarts before transferring to Hogwarts because of too many muggle born...




I really hope you enjoyed this first chapter! This story plays during Harry Potter the chamber of secrets at the moment. The weasley twins are in their 4rth year, while Makaria is in her third.

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