1. 26th June

75 2 1

Two weeks later.

You grabbed your suitcase and brought it to the front door. You turned around one last time to walk to your father's office. You knocked on the door.


You asked and only heard some tapping on a keyboard. You knew he didn't like the idea that you joined the military, but you wanted this. Also, you wanted to keep this one wish that your mother made before she died.

-Please Y/n make your dreams come true, I know you can make everything you put your mind into. I love you so much, and I will be your Guardian Angel in every step of your journey-

These were the last words your Mom said before she took her final breath. You swallowed hard at the memories when you were together with your Mom. Your father gets you out of your thoughts with the cold and stern voice of his.

''Come in, or do you want to stay outside?''

Y/n swallowed hard and turned the doorknob and entered the office. The interior design of the office is cold and simple, with no decoration, no personal things, and nothing. The only Admirable things in the office are the huge bookshelves at the left side that are filled with many different kinds of paperwork and a small plant on the right side of your Fathers Table, but you only wanted one thing from him, the Violin of your Mother.

''So what do you want Y/n?''

Your fathers voice is cold and distanced, like always, but even worse since you told him that you wanted to join the army. His gaze focused on his laptop as his fingers went freely over the keyboard. He didn't even bother to look up from his laptop. The tension got heavy in the air.

''I just wanted to say goodbye.''

Y/n said in a collected tone. Your father looked up for a second to look at you, and then he focused back on his work. You took a deep breath in and out and waited for your fathers answer.

''So Y/n...''

He leans back into his office chair and looks at you, his hand folded on his lap. His eyes were cold and emotionless.

''...you really want to join the Army, do you?''

His tone sounds stern and strict, but he looked serious about this. You swallowed hard and nodded.

''Yes, Dad, I really want to join the Army. And I will do anything to archive it.''

You took a breath in and collected yourself, but you can't help, but be a bit scared of the outcome. You still have this tiny spark of hope.

''And you won't stop me. I will archive my dream and become a strong soldier.''

Your father narrowed his eyes, clearly not satisfied with your answer. He stood up and walked around the table, his hand behind his back.

''So, you really want to be a part of this family anymore?''

He asked in a Monotone tone. Your eyes widened, clearly hurt by his question. How dare he? How dare he manipulate your choice? You clenched your hands into fists out of anger.

''I will always be your flesh and blood, Father. Even if you exclude me, I won't stop following my dream. And you will have no impact on it.''

Y/n said in and Surprisingly collected tone. Your father looked at you and raised an eyebrow. Y/n looks into his eyes, trying to find any sings of emotion, any sing that he is still here. But in that moment, you realized there was nothing you could do. Slolwy the small flame of hope that burned in your heart, ligths out. Your father turned his back to Y/n and turned his gaze to the window. You could see a little reflection of his face on the glass.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15 ⏰

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